“Former Senior Pastor of Vineyard Church Failed to Tackle Allegations Against His Son: GRACE Investigation Reveals”

Published on November 24, 2023, 12:54 am

“Former Senior Pastor of Vineyard Church Failed to Tackle Allegations Against His Son: GRACE Investigation Reveals”

Image source: Fox News

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A recent investigation report has stated that despite eyewitnesses’ claims, the former senior pastor of Vineyard Church, Duluth, Minnesota, failed to react when he was made aware of allegations against his son. This revelation is part of a comprehensive and detailed 96-page investigative report compiled by GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) earlier this year. The objective was to study the deeds of Jackson Gatlin and his parents, Michael and Brenda Gatlin.

Jackson Gatlin was booked by St. Louis County Prosecutors with 10 felony charges in October related to accusations for minor assaults that reportedly took place from 2007 until 2010. It was found that Jackson’s offences involved sexual misconduct, spiritual power abuse, emotional exploitation and attempts at a cover-up; according to data released on the church’s official website.

Michael and Brenda Gatlin cannot face criminal charges due to the statute of limitations for not reporting suspected child abuse. Apart from consequences laid out by GRACE, testimonies collected throughout 2023 corroborate tales of both spiritual and emotional abuse executed by all three Gatlins. Both parents deny having knowledge about their son’s sexual misconduct as per reports from Northern News Now.

Consistent findings indicate Michael and Brenda Gatlin were aware of their son’s impropriety – which encompassed assaulting underage group members during Jackson’s tenure as a volunteer youth leader at the church. The reported victims attended youth ministries between 2007 – 2012.

The inquiry correlated data exacted from interviews with five victims who detailed incidents involving Jackson Gatlin. The list included teenage minors too young to give consent legally; three victims were under age 13 while one each fell within age groups (13-16) & (16-18). A fifth suffered exploitation when they were merely aged 14.

After assuming volunteer work in the church back in 2007, resulting actions provoked serious discourse. His tenure at the Heroic Leadership Institute from 2017-2022 saw him assume the roles of the young adult pastor and online community pastor from June 2022 to February 2023.

The former youth pastor and junior high pastor were aware of Jackson Gatlin’s repeated violations against existing policies which consisted of being alone with minors. The violations were shared with his parents on several occasions. The report further elaborates that parents intimidatingly avoided addressing accusations regarding Jackson Gatlin.

In a worrisome turn of events, Michael Gatlin was found to resist essential cooperation with relevant law enforcement agencies. He failed to provide a preliminary statement required by the Special Committee about his son’s allegations; this resulted in his eventual resignation.

Following documented alleged injustices, as a show of solidarity with survivors, the Church states on its website, “It is never your fault. And you are not alone.” Encouraging prayer and lament in response to abuse, it underscores the safety and well-being of survivors going forward: “As Jesus was always on the side of vulnerable and wounded…survivors must always come first.”

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Original article posted by Fox News

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