“Why I am Voting for Donald Trump: A Comprehensive Analysis of His Presidency vs. Joe Biden’s”

Published on March 16, 2024, 1:12 am

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Come this November, my voting ballot will have Donald Trump’s name ticked on it; a sentiment I’ve expressed countlessly. Not only am I casting my vote for him, but I will also co-host a fundraising event for him next week.

Some of you might raise an eyebrow at this. Let me explain why we decided to hold the fundraiser. To be clear, during the primaries, Trump wasn’t my horse because I traditionally do not endorse candidates in Republican primaries. Given a choice, my vote would have gone to Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida.

However, Governor Ron DeSantis isn’t the nominee; Donald Trump is. Standing against him is Joe Biden – who I firmly believe is the most ineffective president of my lifetime. This position leaves me not only voting for Trump but also fervently supporting his campaign from my own pocket.

My equation for making such a decision is straightforward. During Trump’s presidency, America fared better than under Biden’s rule. Our nation was safer, more prosperous and resilient with Trump at the helm. We managed our borders effectively and stayed clear from the floodgates being opened for illegal immigrants.

During Trump’s tenure as President, he shielded us against an administration attempting to forcibly vaccinate 80 million Americans or risk losing their jobs – sparing organizations like The Daily Wire from having to resort to lawsuits to stop these attempts.

Under President Donald Trump’s leadership, we did not witness inflation reach 40-year highs accompanied by decreasing real wages as we do now under President Biden’s administration. We were spared from federal attempts propagating controversial education trends among our children or programs targeting religious institutions for maintaining traditional Judeo-Christian values.

Donald Trump’s administration was devoid of initiatives bent on crippling police efforts towards combating crime or prioritizing diversity and inclusion over military readiness — all disguised as striving for ‘equity.’

Also noticeably absent were suspiciously large fiscal spending programs digging into businesses’ incomes, unconstitutional attempts to disregard student loan debts, or a Department of Justice preoccupied with targeting political opposition.

Under the watchful gaze of Trump’s presidency, global harmony reigned; we did not prematurely withdraw our troops in Afghanistan leaving our allies in the lurch. Moreover, peace was emerging between Arab nations and Israel while Iran was boxed into a corner.

We did not witness impending wars in Ukraine or China threatening blockade of Taiwan when Donald Trump was at the helm. In summary, America was better off with him in power.

All this is not to say that I won’t criticize Donald Trump when I disagree with him; absolute honesty remains my top priority. This should be the line of thought for all Americans – after all, being a presidential candidate means working for US citizens.

Donald Trump embodies the last stand against Joe Biden’s potential second term—an idea that is incredibly worrying and aptly illustrates how dire America’s situation could become.

For those of you who share my opinion—entertaining thoughts of seeing someone else as the GOP nominee—know that this has now morphed into a binary race: it’s either Trump or Biden. But unlike 2016, we can draw on historical data to discern what each administration would bring. We are no longer guessing; we have lived it.

In my view, America cannot withstand another term under Joe Biden—a more probable Kamala Harris reign—that unequivocally mirrors Barack Obama’s approach: reshaping America according to the far-left’s image.

America cannot afford such an eventuality. To prevent this scenario from coming true, I am offering my vote and financial assistance to Donald Trump—because this election matters.

There’s no debate about it: Donald Trump must be reinstated as President of the United States again.

Original article posted by Fox News

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