“WHO Forms Advisory Group on Transgender Health Amid Controversy and Criticism”

Published on January 24, 2024, 1:59 am

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently formed an expert advisory group, named the Guidelines Development Group, focused on transgender health. The aim of this collective is to enhance quality and respectful health services for trans and gender diverse people. Additionally, the establishment of this group hopes to promote health policies that enable gender-inclusive care and support legal recognition of self-determined gender identity.

Among the experts incorporated into this WHO group are Erika Castellanos, a trans woman from Belize now residing in the Netherlands who is currently living with HIV, as well as Florence Ashley, an Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta. Castellanos lends her expertise from her background in activism, largely derived from her experiences with sex work accompanied by overcoming challenges associated with being HIV positive and transgender. Alternatively, Ashley’s inclusion is highlighted by his unique contribution towards “genderf**king” as a strategy to oppose “gender governance”.

While some critics question the impartiality of WHO in assessing medical impacts concerning interventions pertaining to sex changes given their decision to include radical transgender activists in their advisor panel, their stance remains unchanged. The organization defends its position explaining that its recommendations are always backed by multiple facets: available evidence; human rights principles; consideration of harms and benefits; as well as input from beneficiaries.

Ashley has made further contributions through a uniquely drafted literature piece detailing “genderf**king” as it seeks an escape route from traditional methods of managing gender through laws, policies, and practices. His extensive list identifying his gender using unorthodox terms only further emphasizes his resistance against conforming norms surrounding gender definition.

However, concerns persist about WHO’s displaced direction with Dr. Stanley Goldfarb – Director of Do No Harm (an organization opposing political interference in medicine) suggesting that potential bias may personally influence honest scientific investigations into medical interventions changing a person’s sex.

Apart from Castellano and Ashley’s inclusion within this development group, there has been strong criticism on WHO’s selection of other left-leaning trans activists and some significant presences linked with the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH). WPATH is an organization known for its controversial decision to erase minimum age requirements for medical interventions ranging from puberty blockers to sex-change operations.

The “WHO Decides?” petition specifically addresses the discontent about WHO’s Guidelines Development Group. The petition points towards a concern that out of 21 panel members, over three-quarters are transgender activists which has led many to believe there is potential harm as this could influence further promotion of hormone treatments and legal recognition of self-identified gender.

Original article posted by Fox News

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