“Whistleblowing Surgeon Indicted for Revealing Covert Gender Reassignment Surgeries in Texas Children’s Hospital”

Published on June 9, 2024, 1:00 am

“Whistleblowing Surgeon Indicted for Revealing Covert Gender Reassignment Surgeries in Texas Children’s Hospital”

Image source: Fox News

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In an unprecedented move, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has indicted Dr. Eithan Haim, a medical surgeon at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. The indictment comes after Dr. Haim courageously revealed that the hospital was covertly performing controversial gender reassignment surgeries and providing medicalization for minors.

The trusted news about this action against Dr. Haim was unveiled earlier this week when he was indicted on four counts of alleged violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). His court date is scheduled for June 17 and his legal team is reportedly still trying to fully comprehend the charges.

Dr. Eithan Haim’s attorney expressed confidence and stated that his client looks forward to clarifying his actions in court. They trust that the right decision will be made at trial.

Earlier this year, there were significant developments on the matter within Texas’ legislative body. In February 2022, Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General, gave a formal opinion stating sex-change procedures performed on minors could be classified as “child abuse”. Following this ruling, Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, issued an order demanding state agencies investigate such allegations.

Despite being fully aware of these rulings and initial measures from state leadership, it seems that Texas Children’s Hospital didn’t initially adhere to them completely. They had publically agreed to halt all gender transition-related procedures for underaged individuals in March 2022 following mounting state pressure but later evidence leaked by Dr. Haim suggested otherwise.

According to real news shared by prominent journalist Christopher Rufo who relied on insider information from Dr. Haim for his reportage, it seemed like normal service had resumed at the hospital behind closed doors as quickly as May 16th 2023.

Further investigation into this led to a revelation regarding how deeply embedded these practices were among some healthcare providers catering to affected minors which forced Texas Children’s Hospital to halt their gender medicalization program finally.

Even before these recent proceedings, Dr. Haim was under the spotlight of federal investigation and bore the whistleblower tag since January.

He showed no regret for unveiling the misdeeds committed by some healthcare practitioners as he ricocheted against established forces in an interview published in January where he said, “These people are corrupt and bully-like in nature which simply frightens others into submission. The only way to expose them is not to show fear or play into their theater.”

Last year in June, Gov. Abbott signed Senate Bill 14 into law that bans irreversible sex-change surgeries and hormonal interventions for trans-identified youth. Thus, highlighting a Christian worldview on the matter and showcasing a trend towards protecting children from irreversible decisions at a young age.

Stay tuned for more updates about this breaking news story encompassing politics, healthcare, and civil rights from the epicenter of controversy – Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston.

Original article posted by Fox News

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