“Vice President Kamala Harris’s Campaign: Controversy Around ‘Segregated’ Zoom Rallies and Previous Radical Stances”

Published on August 1, 2024, 12:31 am

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The persistence and accessibility of video and written recordings can prove to be a challenging hurdle for politicians hoping to discretely alter or distance themselves from past positions. This is an obstacle that Vice President Kamala Harris now seems to be grappling with, as attempts are made to pivot away from previously held radical standpoints which are all well-documented on various platforms. However, while democratic fundraising efforts grind on for the Harris campaign, some surprisingly unpalatable tactics seem to be making a reappearance.

Strangely enough, online Zoom call “rallies” organized by the campaign appear to be adopting practices reminiscent of segregation but projected through the lens of modern digital technology. These events have been largely based on dividing attendees along racial and gender lines.

Questions then naturally arise: Will this practice persist within Kamala Harris’s campaign events in future? Or are these merely strategies utilized by her supporters?

History may not resonate favorably with these racially-bifurcated political maneuvers. If only one were to peruse the annals of history surrounding issues of segregation, they’d readily see its deep roots within the Democratic Party’s history. This was highlighted most notably with their record against integration during voting on the watershed 1964 Civil Rights Act which had outlawed public racial segregation.

These divisive tactics remained in full force throughout mid-2024, beginning with a Zoom call organized by “Win With Black Women.” Claiming a staggering attendance figure of 44,000 participants. On consecutive days following events titled “Black Men for Harris” and “White Dudes for Kamala” also brought in large crowds allegedly numbering around 45,000 attendees each.

However, perhaps one of the most remarkably eclectic calls took place on July 25 featuring “White Women for Kamala.” This specific meeting claimed an impressive participation figure tipping over 200,000 individuals and accruing approximately $8.5 million in donations.

Yet fascinatingly enough, these virtual rallies beg the question: Why restricting to digital platforms? With possibilities of in-person events available, why the preference for Zoom calls?

But then again, considering this is a party renowned for its proclivity to segment Americans according to varying factors including race, gender, age, and income – all while preaching messages of “unity” – the proposition isn’t utterly surprising.

So, with the Democratic party being composed of coalitions across diverse groups, it looks like Kamala Harris’s campaign might be scheduling numerous more ‘segregated’ Zoom ‘rallies’. Perhaps this strategy presents a novel way to navigate contemporary political landscapes while subscribing to her many demographics supporters. It will however be interesting if such practices are applied broadly across the country during her tenure.

This news underscores our commitment at Christian Worldview to provide trusted news and real news. We believe that information is power and when harnessed responsibly can lead towards positive developments in society.

Original article posted by Fox News

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