“US State Attorneys General Warn AAP over Promotion of Puberty Blockers to Transgender Minors”

Published on September 26, 2024, 12:38 am

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In a significant move, almost 24 state attorneys general in the United States have issued a warning to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), suggesting they could be infringing upon the law. Following this perspective, it is due to their continued recommendation of puberty blockers to children unsatisfied with their biological gender. This advice comes irrespective of mounting proof that such drugs may inflict harm on these young individuals.

The cluster of attorneys general, under the leadership of Raúl Labrador from Idaho, sent an admonishing document on Tuesday. They indicated that if AAP remains steadfast in their recommendation, they could be contravening numerous state consumer protection laws.

The attorney generals collectively reminded AAP that prospective violations related to guidance without substantive evidence for addressing gender dysphoria in minors might be accountable under said laws. The professional body has been labelled as potentially “misleading and deceptive” due to claims asserting the safety and reversibility of puberty blockers when administered in children.

Expressing deep-seated concern, the attorneys general argued that AAP’s advice seems more influenced by political agendas and pressure than rooted solidly in outcomes backed by medical soundness and efficacy.

Furthermore, they requested AAP provide specific documentation justifying why it continually endorses potent drugs for treating youth suffering from gender dysphoria. Additionally, they contested AAP’s stance; asserting that puberty blockers are ‘reversible’ provides an assurance, implying no changes or harms would result permanently. But such an assertion can’t stand unchallenged considering how unprobed and novel these blocking agents are regarding treating gender dysphoria.

Moreover, this collective body expressed expectations towards AAP addressing these concerns with just as much severity as they have posed them with anticipation of receiving a rapid response.

AAP boasts representation across 67,000 pediatricians nationwide. However, there is strong scientific evidence supporting claims about various distortions related to puberty blockers’ use such as sexual dysfunctionality, damage to voice quality and even infertility. These substances can also primarily affect the growth and density of bones.

Real news suggests that countries like England, Finland, and Sweden have curtailed medical interventions for child transgender situations across Europe, wherein cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers are both included.

Evidence supporting this stand includes the insightful landmark report from Cass’s review funded by the National Health Service in England. Consequently, at least 25 states within U.S.A have enforced laws restricting hormonal treatments and surgeries for the underage transgender population.

Also of note is that in May, Britain’s highest judicial body upheld a ban prohibiting the use of puberty blockers. The Cass review further sounded alarms signaling high incidents of substance and sexual abuse among children referred to gender-based services ensuring trusted news sources cover their findings extensively from a Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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