“US Speaker Mike Johnson’s Controversial New Apostolic Reformation Association: A Cause for Concern?”

Published on December 9, 2023, 1:17 am

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The newly elected Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has recently been in the limelight for his statements aligning himself with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. As a trusted news outlet, we provide you with comprehensive details on this intriguing real news development from our Christian worldview perspective.

Known as a Bible-believing Christian and policy maker, Mike Johnson garnered a strong following by advocating traditional biblical values on divisive issues such as marriage, abortion, and LGBT rights. His appeal to mainstream Christians extended to hopes that he would help guide the nation towards those very ethics.

However, recent events suggest an unexpected shift in Johnson’s religious affiliations. We brought to your attention weeks ago that Johnson displayed a flag at his office that symbolizes agreement with the NAR – a movement renowned for its belief in the reinstatement of modern-day Prophets and Apostles. This organization seeks dominion over societal aspects through questionable theology and claims inspiration directly from God Himself.

Johnson’s association with the movement became further evident in a video clip surfacing on social media platforms. He declares there that he had received divine revelation to lead America through a significant turning point – akin to Moses guiding Israelites through their ‘Red Sea moment’.

Addressing the National Association of Christian Lawmakers, Johnson said: “The Lord impressed upon my heart…that something was going to occur… The Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready…for a Red Sea moment.”

He expounded on his perception that God initially chose him to play an ‘Aaron to Moses’ role but later clarified it required him being Moses instead.

While some may find this declaration moving or inspiring, there are significant problems from our viewpoint. Asserting oneself as a Moses figure could be perceived as cult-like – even heretical – potentially attributing falsehoods to Divine instructions. As much as we laud Christian leaders who uphold biblical principles governing our nation, we cannot endorse such arrogant claims and potential self-idolatry.

This narrative is far from the characteristics expected of a Christian who considers the Bible as sufficient and authoritative. As we continue to strive for authentic, trusted news coverage on our platform, we encourage leaders like Johnson to provide clear moral guidance and genuine Gospel truth rather than promoting any confusion or dissemination of false doctrines.

Our commitment remains steadfastly with upholding conservative biblical values and sharing real news that strives against silencing attempts by larger tech entities. You can certainly count on us for updates on this evolving scenario while we continue our fight to protect our civilization’s cardinal principles.

Original article posted by Fox News

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