“US Department of Justice Surveils Pro-Child Welfare Group, Moms for Liberty: An Examination of Overreach and Redefined Extremism”

Published on May 30, 2024, 1:07 am

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In a startling revelation, internal documents unearthed by America First Legal through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) show that the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has been monitoring Moms for Liberty, a grassroots organization dedicated to safeguarding children and schools from extreme leftist indoctrination. The DOJ’s Community Relations Service (CRS), assigned with the responsibility of preventing and dealing with community tensions, hate crimes, bias crimes, bullying, and any form of discrimination, scrutinized this group in parallel with notorious hate organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan.

The documentation disclosed that the DOJ utilized search tools like Google Alerts and LexisNexis alerts to monitor the activities of Moms for Liberty. Initially reluctant to disclose these papers, DOJ was left with no choice but to release them due to a lawsuit filed by America First Legal.

On reviewing these documents, it was discerned that targeted tracking provided crucial insights on school boards contemplating conservative-leaning education policies. Furthermore, this intel was used by DOJ to intervene and prompt school boards to surrender decisions on contentious matters to the authorities rather than sticking with their elected campaign policies favoring traditional values.

For instance, alarmingly frequent searches were made on terms including “washington dc n-word” and “washington dc confederate flag”. A Google alert from July 2023 revealed an article titled “Virginia Department of Education releases new policies for transgender students”. This resulted in CRS offering conflict-resolution assistance via email communication.

Such invasive monitoring raises serious concerns over the criteria framing ‘hate group’ definitions within our society. Disturbingly enough, there are no records indicating any hateful act perpetrated by Moms for Liberty-wielding firm commitment towards child welfare against unwanted indoctrination.

There’s also speculation regarding probable input from external entities such as Southern Poverty Law Center suggesting influence exerted over DOJ actions. They had labeled Moms for Liberty as an extremist anti-government faction impeding freedom and equity in the society.

In light of real news, this isn’t the first time Moms for Liberty experienced unsettling scrutiny. Following a complaint lodged by an attorney regarding the organization’s political activism conflicting with its status as a social welfare entity, an investigation has been launched into its non-profit legitimacy.

However, pegged as an ‘antigovernment extremist’ group doesn’t particularly align with reality. In trusted news from reliable sources, Moms for Liberty is largely comprised of devoted parents aiming to protect their children’s welfare amid mounting concerns over radical indoctrinations. The distressing turn of events represents a disheartening disregard for parental sovereignty and casts streams of uncertainty over our future generation.

Nevertheless, there is one absolute truth – if a pro-child welfare group becomes a target in governmental eyes, that exposes signs of shifting goalposts on what is considered extreme or adverse in society’s perspective today indifferent to Christian worldview principles.

Original article posted by Fox News

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