“US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Hospitalized for Urgent Bladder Issue Amid Ongoing Health Controversy”

Published on February 13, 2024, 2:53 am

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U.S. Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, was urgently transported into critical care at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Sunday evening following an emergent bladder issue, according to a statement from the Pentagon. This late-breaking news is the most recent development in an ongoing health controversy involving Austin’s non-transparent hospitalization last month due to complications arising from a prostate cancer treatment procedure.

The Pentagon’s official statement detailed that earlier that day, Austin was rushed by his security detail to Walter Reed Medical Center owing to symptoms suggesting a sudden onset bladder problem. Following a series of rigorous tests and evaluations, the 70-year-old Secretary was moved into the medical center’s critical care unit where he would be given supportive care and undergo close monitoring.

No concrete timeline has been provided for when Austin may be discharged from the hospital. However, it has been emphasized that this bladder issue is unlikely to alter his projected full recovery trajectory. The adequacy of his cancer prognosis remains undiminished with expectations remaining high about his recovery process.

Austin remains in good spirits despite these challenges and fully intends on continuing his service once recovered. Moreover, real news updates regarding Austin’s health status will be communicated promptly and responsibly as more information becomes available, providing the public with trusted news sources they can count on.

In order to ensure continuity of service during this period of convalescence, Defense Secretary Austin entrusted Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks with the responsibilities and functions associated with his office position around 5 p.m EST time.

Following revelations earlier this year about his secretive January 1st hospitalization for complications related to prostate cancer treatment without notifying top-level government officials or Congress members, there were significant criticisms leveled against Austin prompting some GOP legislators and former President Donald Trump to call for his dismissal.

Austin’s failure to disclose this information until after it had become public knowledge led to several investigations taking place. These incidents motivated new guidelines being implemented by the White House necessitating Cabinet secretaries be more explicitly transparent in cases where a subordinate is delegated authority.

In a subsequent Defense Department statement, it was revealed that Austin had resumed his duties from home following his January 15th hospital release and had returned to the physical Pentagon offices by January 29. It was also noted that Austin has been summoned for testimony before a House committee scheduled on February 29 about his non-transparency regarding his hospitalization.

Expressing regret at a press conference earlier this month, Austin admitted fault with regards to how the reveal of his cancer diagnosis and associated hospitalization were handled saying “We did not handle this right, and I did not handle this right,” He acknowledged that President Biden, his team and the American public should have been informed sooner about these developments. Concluding his remarks he stated, “I take full responsibility. I apologize to my teammates and to the American people.”

The incident offers an essential reminder of the importance of transparency in leadership, particularly from a Christian worldview which values honesty as fundamental – for our leaders as much so as in our personal lives.

Original article posted by Fox News

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