“Unveiling the Controversial ‘Christians for Kamala’ Conference: A Political Rally Masquerading as a Religious Gathering?”

Published on August 11, 2024, 12:27 am

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In the vividly diverse sphere of present-day Christianity, a new development has sprung up, an event labeled “Christians for Kamala.” At face value, this conference presents an assembly of believers expressing support for Kamala Harris. However, upon closer examination, it raises eyebrows within the traditional Christian community.

Organized by John Pavlovitz, who famously claimed one couldn’t be a Christian if they didn’t wear masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference plans to engage religious communities into using their voices and resources to back political pursuits. Yet many have equated this with attending a vegan meet up in a barbecue festival and question whether such attendees can really identify as Christians.

Prominent leftist activists are among those headlining the conference. They’re often seen as representing views contrary to established Christian values. Their mission: introducing concepts like empathy and kindness into politics. Unfortunately, these words frequently get twisted out of any biblical comprehension and filled instead with left-leaning ideals.

Notable contributors include figures like Denyse Barnes, Diana Butler Bass, Daniel Brereton among others, essentially becoming mouthpieces for radical left extremism. These individuals amble under Christianity’s umbrella while promoting causes that starkly contrast with Christian principles.

One such speaker – Jacqui Lewis; she throws theology around saying Christians overlook dietary laws because ‘bacon makes money,’ ignoring the fallacy of financially motivated adherence to Levitical law.

Then there’s Brandan Robertson—a self-proclaimed “gay pastor,” whose redefinitions veer Scripture towards morphing into an LGBTQ+ charter. His controversial stands include claims that Jesus asking Lazarus to ‘come out’ symbolised homosexual coming-out stories rather than resurrection from death.

Similarly, Brian McLaren’s interpretations focus on cultural relevance over scriptural reverence—espousing progressive stances on same-sex marriage and abortion rights—thereby positioning himself well outside orthodox Christianity lines.

The lineup is rounded off by Van Jones—a vehement communist and political commentator, whose involvement underscores the event’s true essence: a leftist rally veiled as a religious gathering.

The Christian Left indeed portrays an interesting dynamic. Its influential figures championing pro-choice rights and celebrating the eradication of nascent lives often leave audiences astounded. They advocate forcefully for homosexuality celebration and propagate Marxist tactics that transform biblical principles into forbidden terrain.

Consequently, those identifying as ‘left Christians’ are seen as partaking in a regretful theater production, swapping the gospel of Jesus Christ for a false ‘gospel’ of social justice.

In conclusion, events like “Christians for Kamala” merely spotlight wolves dressed up in sheep’s clothing; people using religion to cloak their ulterior motives. Nothing those so-called “Christians” assert is true Christianity; they serve as propagandists for atheist agendas masked under theological rhetoric to fool unsuspecting individuals.

Therefore, any discerning Christian should outrightly dismiss these impostors. Simply put, there is no such thing as “Christians for Kamala.” Real news needs followers to discern fake from trusted news and keep upholding a Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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