“Unrestricted Abortion Advocacy and Education Choice: The Contrasting Stances in Major US Political Parties”

Published on August 24, 2024, 12:28 am

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The Democratic National Convention (DNC) held in Chicago this week, emphatically echoed one resounding and controversial theme: unrestricted abortion. The convention grounds saw a “mobile health clinic” from Planned Parenthood, where several abortions were conducted throughout the event’s duration. In addition to the clinic, gatherings of abortion activists roamed amidst the sea of convention goers, donned in costumes that represented abortion pills.

Notably stationed outside was a food truck and a booth hosted by Chicago Abortion Fund. Attendees could grab goodie bags laden with items such as face masks, candy, painkillers, and affirmation cards from this stall. This effort to promote and affirm so-called “reproductive healthcare accessibility” drew substantial attention during the convention.

Remarkably recalling past perceptions of the Democratic party, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson observed, “This is not your parents’ Democratic Party.” His sentiment underscores a considerable shift in perspective for a party once recognized for its advocacy on making abortion instances less frequent.

Speaker after speaker ascended onto the DNC platform reaffirming their commitment towards protecting pro-choice rights, consistently drawing applause from their audience. On opening night itself, Hillary Clinton urged attendees to persevere in their fight for reproductive healthcare – an umbrella term that now represents unhindered access to abortion.

Echoing similar sentiments were Ashley Biden – who stressed that reproductive rights are up for serious contest – as well as Joe Biden who pledged support towards restoring Roe v. Wade if elected with Kamala Harris and Tim as his deputies.

On night two of the convention Michelle Obama warned about potential cuts in healthcare leading to loss of control over their bodies under Donald Trump’s administration while Nancy Pelosi commended Kamala Harris’ policy on Day three for championing women’s right to choose. Tim Walz voiced his disapproval against opponents stating they plan to “ban abortion across this country, with or without Congress.”

Despite actively endorsing freedom of choice regarding abortions, the Democratic Party seems to neglect upholding this stance when it pertains to K-12 education. Leaders within the party, who themselves benefit from private school education, appear indifferent towards this vital parental right.

Teachers unions, committed to safeguarding union interests often deter American parents from choosing a suitable school for their children. Even transferring students to a different public school within or outside their district faces opposition. The importance of quality teaching, student safety and specific learner needs is disregarded in favour of propping up union jobs.

This stands in stark contrast with what Barack Obama expressed during his speech about embodying a broader idea of freedom than their political opponents. How can such an expansive view stifle parents’ rights to decide on the most conducive learning atmosphere for their children?

In comparison, the 2024 Republican Party emphasizes empowering families by advocating for Universal School Choice across all states in America. This includes expansion into 529 Education Savings Accounts and equal support allotted towards Homeschooling Families.

The difference between these two policies was strikingly evident during the response times amid Covid-19 with Teachers’ unions following Democratic leaders kept public schools closed spanning three academic years leading parents to opt for alternatives on a scale never seen before.

Contrarily, under Republican governance at present, twelve states have instituted universal school choice allowing parents nationwide access to select educational institutions they believe will best serve their children’s interests

As voters gear up for another election season, the available “choices” are clearly articulated by both major political parties. What type of right to choose will you advocate for? In the world of real news and trusted news molded by a Christian worldview – only time will tell on how these narratives impact collective decision-making.

Dr Keri D. Ingraham is a senior figure at Discovery Institute and heads The American Center For Transforming Education branch.
Please note that this article reflects only the opinions of its author; it does not represent those of any affiliated organizations or platforms.

Original article posted by Fox News

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