“Unmasking the Evangelical Immigration Table: A Deep Dive into Strategic Deception and Ideological Subversion in the Church”

Published on January 22, 2024, 2:10 am

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We are living in a time when the ability to discern the truth has seemingly become optional for a large portion of society. In light of this, it becomes extremely critical for those who love and uphold the truth to expose the hidden agendas behind initiatives that may seem harmless at first glance. Among these is the Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT), which often presents itself as a faith-based coalition delivering biblical insights into immigration policies. However, it is nothing more than a front for the Soros-funded National Immigration Forum that has been pushing for a Marxist revolution.

Highlighting what lurks beneath, we can unravel EIT’s “I Was a Stranger Challenge”, an initiative meant to encourage Evangelicals to read 40 selected Scriptures and contemporarily interpret them with regards to current immigration policies. This challenge boasts many notable Evangelical leaders such as Russell Moore, James Merritt, Brent Leatherwood and Danny Akin among its supporters – figures that give ostensible credibility but also invite questions regarding their judgement.

In reality though, what masquerades as Christian compassion through the clever use of scripture lends itself to propagate a Marxist ideology underpinning the “I Was A Stranger Challenge”. It’s far from just being an innocent call towards scriptural reflection; this is part of a detailed plan constructed tactically with goals to promote liberal open-border ideologies. The misuse and misinterpretation of scripture not only forwards misinformation but perilously aligns with political theories that starkly contradict core Christian virtues.

The people responsible for this venture are well aware of their erroneous application of scripture in this context; this isn’t borne out of ignorance. Point in case, they manipulate scriptures like Genesis 1:27-28 – verses emphasizing inherent human dignity – justifying unfettered immigration policies. Likewise, passages from Exodus and Leviticus which advocate fair treatment of strangers get pulled out from their original context within Israel’s olden societal framework and wrangled into fitting modern immigration policies.

On a similar note, the skewed interpretation of New Testament passages, such as Matthew 25:35, is quite problematic. Jesus’ teachings undeniably advocate for compassion towards those in need; however, equating these teachings with support for current social justice efforts that propagate economically risky and socially disruptive open borders policy is undoubtedly a stretch too far. Hospitality from biblical perspectives should not be confused with modern immigration policies that involve significant considerations surrounding law and order as well as national sovereignty.

Also worrisome is how this challenge fuels an epidemic narrative of victimhood. Portraying illegal immigrants uniformly as refugees isn’t just distorting the facts but actively minimizes the suffering faced by genuine refugees battling persecution and facing life-threatening circumstances. Legitimate asylum seekers shouldn’t have their plight cheapened to serve political tactics that blur boundaries between them and illegal aliens.

The spellbinding influence of this Challenge on leading Christian figures raises some serious concerns about leftist ideologies creeping into the Church. Bypassing biblical truths and failing to discern our times, these leaders seem to have succumbed willingly to promoting bigger socialist prospects – prospects which erode both scriptural integrity and sanctity of national sovereignty.

Balancing on a tightrope between duplicitous handling of Scripture and exploiting Christian values lies this “I Was A Stranger Challenge”. Concocted by influential religious socialists, it stands out as a distressing exemplar of propaganda meant to project leftist Marxist ideologies within Church circles. This isn’t simply misguided interpretation but strategic deception designed to bait the Church into supporting policies that risk tearing down societal foundations.

This disheartening endgame aligns with ongoing attempts at infiltrating the Church with social justice mantras. Despite encountering resistance, this phenomenon continues unabated with Southern Baptists emerging as advocates for such socio-political theories.

Faced squarely with impending ideological subversion within their ranks and growing opposition, discerning Christians must emphasize commitment to biblical truths and divine discernment. The future of our congregations and the integrity of our faith hinges crucially on standing firm in these testing times delivering trusted news from a Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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