“Unmasking the Double Standard: Pastor Ray Ortlund’s Left-Leaning Ideologies and His Elusive Role in the Church”

Published on October 2, 2024, 12:32 am

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Renowned Nashville-based pastor of Immanuel Church, Ray Ortlund, an erstwhile prominent contributor to The Gospel Coalition, has been clandestinely cultivating a rather ‘conservative’ image. However, in reality, he has shown deeply rooted affiliations with left-leaning ideologies.

The recent public endorsement of Kamala Harris for president seems to confirm these suspicions. Notably, while it may not be surprising to those noticing his political infrastructure gradually leaning left, Ortlund’s statement- “Never Trump. This time Harris. Always Jesus” serves as the indisputable evidence.

Exploring deeper into these assertions reveal exactly where he sandw his political stance. “Never Trump,” suggests he aligns himself fully with policies echoing leftist ethos. His support for “This time Harris,” sees him championing absolute unrestricted abortion rights, endorsing direct LGBTQ teachings within schools and veering away from children’s innocence under the guise of ‘progress.’ It appears Ortlund attempts to sell us a lethal cocktail cleverly concealed within a benign “Jesus loves you” gesture of goodwill.

Adding layers to this unfolding narrative is Ortlund’s close association with Russell Moore stationed at Immanuel Church itself. If memory serves, Moore was the former head of ERLC standing accused of subtly advocating progressive politics under the cloak of Christian benevolence.

The revelation extends further; we see David French ardently parroting this new wave progressive rallying call smugly stating: “This is the way.” French’s support is another step towards encouraging a cultural and spiritual nosedive.

Ortlund’s decision is framed by him as some grand moral crusade. He claims to champion Christ when in truth; he offers unbridled support towards radical aspects vested within leftist policy-making. His defensive cloak reading: “Always Jesus,” shields any critique likely to tarnish his image or question his motives.

Regrettably for Ortlund, critics aren’t buying this performance. He seems strangely silent on contemporary issues like child mutilation under the ‘gender affirmation’ terminology or defending unborn lives against abortion centres. Rather, Ortlund chooses to subtly promote a party agenda directly opposing everything the gospel promotes.

Without a doubt, his decision reveals his ministry to be nothing more than an elaborate façade aimed at misleading believers. Ortlund and his accomplices seem to be covert operators within the broader Church infrastructure with considerable financial backing sustaining them.

Associated deeply with The Gospel Coalition considered as a bastion of evangelical doublespeak– They vocally endorse “gospel-centered” living while knowingly disregarding radical destruction wrought upon communities around them.

Ortlund’s deceit raises a significant question: Will he continue masquerading in his role as spiritual guide to other pastors whilst explicitly advocating for a system hell-bent on ripping apart family bonds and undermining the Church’s crucial moral standing?

His flamboyant waving of the “Always Jesus” banner might suggest otherwise, but let’s not be fooled by appearances. Ortlund isn’t just testing the waters of progressive politics; he’s diving in head first, inciting others to follow suit.

Original article posted by Fox News

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