“Undervaluing Culture: The Impact on Societies and Foreign Policies”

Published on April 15, 2024, 12:44 am

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The significance of culture in shaping a nation, an organization, or even a corporation cannot be overstated. While it may not be everything, it often stands as the most influential factor. This assertion is drawn from personal experiences in countries renowned for their rich cultural identities; one such place being Japan.

During my business ventures in Japan, what mostly struck me was the culture of diligence and meticulousness. The efficiency and precision roped into every task were remarkable, coupled with an admirable commitment to self-sacrifice. A tangible demonstration was never missing the train courtesy of its unfailing punctuality – unlike my Amtrak experiences where delays seemed inevitable.

What is more riveting about this country is the reliability you find in its people. I could count on a hotel desk clerk leaving her station to assist me with my luggage across to the train platform, or a good Samaritan driver picking me up from Hiroshima streets after noticing my confusion and driving me straight to my hotel.

In reference to dependable products, my 2007 Toyota Corolla that has now clocked over 600k miles affirms the dependability rooted in Japanese culture. Nonetheless, like any other society, they too have powerful elements. About eight decades ago, aspects such as cruelty, aggression and disregard for life were prominent features; leading to atrocities such as The Rape of Nanking or enslaving thousands of Korean women which are undeniably horrific chapters in history.

However, following World War II’s wanton destruction exigent action was taken to remake Japanese culture apart from reclaiming conquered territories. The success can be attributed primarily to General Douglas MacArthur’s efforts resulting in the admirable Japanese culture we see today.

Unfortunately, current American foreign policy seems governed by utopian ideals dismissing cultural nuances; operating under this misapplied notion that people can be molded perfectly. In essence ignoring cultural beliefs and attitudes while initiating programs creating unforeseen consequences diverts mainly towards the less privileged.

Interestingly, this blatant disregard for cultural understanding is not unnoticed, as the deeply committed individuals are adept at outlasting these thought and political trends. They think long-term, as evident in organizations like Hamas, who managed to wait out the utopian’s sway in Israel and the U.S., waiting for an opportunity to enforce their cultural commitment – bringing death to Israel and potentially the United States. In spite of revealing their deadly aspirations through localized media platforms, our foreign policy continue to ignore such factors.

The unfortunate implication remains that a head-in-the-sand approach might prevail amongst those drafting our foreign policies; they persist despite not having to live amid the attachments of their decisions. Ultimately, reiterating their disregard for culture might lead us down a dangerous path.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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