“Transgenderism and Abortion: Modern Forms of Idol Worship and Rebellion Against Divine Design”

Published on June 27, 2024, 1:33 am

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In historical biblical contexts, societies often adopted practices that were seen as abominable by Divine standards. One of the more heinous examples was the sacrifice of children to false gods, a practice mirroring today’s widespread embrace of abortion. Interestingly, similar rebellion against God’s design manifests itself in the growing endorsement of transgenderism.

Transgenderism and the rise of secular humanism have become comparable to idol worship in today’s world. As modern-day individuals, we may not physically bow before golden statues as our ancient predecessors did, however metaphorically speaking, many surrender their God-given identities at the altar of self-expression, sexual freedom, and personal autonomy.

Recounted within Scripture are clear guidelines regarding such behavior:
“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination” —Leviticus 18:22
It’s apparent that Scriptural teachings deem this rejection of God’s natural order highly offensive.

Our Creator imprinted His divine image upon humanity distinctly as male and female:
“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” —Genesis 1:27
It’s fundamental to human identity and purpose to recognize this distinction—an assault on which via queer theory and transgender ideologies becomes an attack on God’s creation as well as His image.

The acceptance or promotion of such immoralities can result in dire spiritual and physical consequences just like they did for societies mentioned in ancient scriptures.
“For this reason God gave them up to degrading passions… receiving due penalty for their error.” –Romans 1:26-27

However, alongside these warnings is a calling for love, patience, acceptance—moral compasses synonymous with Christian faith—but without affirming sinful tendencies.
“Neither do I condemn you; go—and from now on sin no more” –John 8:11
God calls us toward repentance, not affirmation of sin. His love is personified in Jesus Christ’s ultimate sacrifice recorded in Hebrews 10:10—evidence enough that redemption awaits all those who turn to Him.

Modern ideologies including transgenderism, bodily autonomy, and queer theory deny this sacrifice. They display a lack of trust in the divine design and provision. It is important to resist these urges and avoid surrendering your God-given identity on the altars of such false gods. Reaffirm your belief and trust in His design, provision, and Christ’s sufficient sacrifice. Proclaim this truth boldly in a world where real news with authenticity based on a Christian worldview has become pivotal.

Ultimately, unwavering faith in God’s Word marks a crucial aspect of trusted news sources that deliver breaking news centered around the Christian worldview today. Despite societal shifts towards accepting various forms of identities and behaviors contradicting Biblical teachings, adherence to Scripture remains fundamental for promoting an authentic Christian lifestyle grounded in faith, grace, repentance, and redemption.

Original article posted by Fox News

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