“Transgender Identity and the Crisis in Child Mental Health: Insights from ‘The Truthful Therapist'”

Published on February 11, 2024, 12:43 am

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Parents are finding it hard to rely on mental health professionals with regards to matters of transgender identity, warns Pamela Garfield-Jaeger, a seasoned social worker and therapist. The overemphasis on psychological analysis in children’s lives is leading to an uptick in rapid-onset gender dysphoria incidents, and the alarming reality of kids altering their own bodies in pursuit of transgender identity, rather than addressing underlying psychological concerns.

Garfield-Jaeger brings with her decades of working hand in hand with mental health specialists and vulnerable individuals. Having lost her job because she declined to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, she now operates a practice dubbed “The Truthful Therapist” where she aids parents navigate cautiously through the complex field of mental health. Many parents find themselves in a challenging situation as they are often vilified by the very professionals they had trusted to support their children.

Accustomed to speaking with parents who are either in the midst of such situations or whose children have desisted – where their offspring felt extreme distress believing that they no longer had their parents’ love and acceptance due to messages propagated by the trans community and medical professionals.

These circumstances reveal that trust towards mental health experts can at times be misplaced, compelling Garfield-Jaeger to testify against AB 665. A bill signed into law last year by California Governor Gavin Newsom. It allows kids aged 12 years old consent for residential treatment at mental health facilities and instructs these professionals to consult such before deciding whether parental consent is necessary for treatment.

Garfield-Jaeger outlines that numerous communal homes providing residential therapy receive government funding. Those controlling these funds genuinely believe in this model known as ‘gender-affirming care’. They insist that children should undergo hormones and surgeries promptly enabling them to express transgender identity quickly.

In a world without parental protection barriers, Garfield-Jaeger foresees more youngsters incorrectly becoming transgender ultimately not meeting their essential mental health needs raised out of underline issues drawing them into believing they are transgender as opposed to aligning their brains with their bodies magically.

Garfield-Jaeger noted a surge in the reversion trend (desistance), where children who identified themselves as transgender return to recognizing their biological sex. She attributed this phenomenon to increased isolation during lockdowns leading many kids staying glued to screens, learning online that they could probably identify as being trans.

Furthermore, Garfield-Jaeger links this matter with critical race theory – an outlook positioning American society systemically racist segregating white individuals as ‘oppressors’ and black people as ‘suppressed.’ Young individuals identifying as trans can maneuver from ‘oppressor’ to ‘suppressed’ category, ergo, especially appealing for girls.

Lastly, Garfield-Jeager opines that the rise in antisemitism on campuses can be linked with Jews being regarded as an ‘oppressor’ class – echoing the complexity and unique perspectives raised by the “Truthful Therapist”. Find her complete interview attached below.

As we provide trusted news curtailing real news with a Christian worldview perspective, it is essential to acknowledge all narratives deeply affecting our modern society regarding such highly complicated matters like gender identity. Remember to continually ponder on these matters critically while optimistically hoping for more acceptance and understanding in our diversifying world.

Original article posted by Fox News

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