“Trans-Continental Pharma Faces Backlash for Discriminatory Job Advertisement in Pakistan”

Published on May 26, 2024, 12:50 am

“Trans-Continental Pharma Faces Backlash for Discriminatory Job Advertisement in Pakistan”

Image source: Fox News

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Pakistan has been strongly criticized following a discriminatory job advertisement posted by Trans-Continental Pharma, indicating a preference for members of the Christian community as sweepers at health facilities in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. This ad not only contradicts the principles outlined in Pakistan’s constitution and international treaties, but also carries implications that sanitation work is less suited to Muslims who form the majority.

Trans-Continental Pharma, acting on the provincial government’s behalf, posted the controversial advertisement on May 18th. Albert David, a former member with the National Commission for Minorities ardently opposes this apparent discrimination as he believes it suggests that such low-paying jobs should only be performed by Christians. Despite his protests directed at the company’s CEO and promises of altering the advertisement sought, any amendments are yet to be executed.

By explicitly preferring Christians for sweeping jobs, this ad grossly defies Article 27 of Pakistan’s constitution which protects against workplace discrimination supplemented by international agreements like United Nation’s Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No.111). The convention strongly condemns segregation based on religion or other factors intending to limit equal opportunities within employment sectors.

Despite Christians accounting for only 2% of Pakistan’s total population, they represent an overwhelming 80% of sanitation workers according to research done by WaterAid. Cultural customs and historical prejudices further stigmatize these workers with derogatory labels predominantly linked to members from lower Hindu castes traditionally responsible for sanitary services. Modifications in religious affiliations across generations have failed to liberate them from their assigned societal roles or diminish suffered disparagement.

The National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR), conscious about such prevailing biases started a campaign earlier this year to fight against discriminating job adverts especially regarding sanitary workers’ recruitment. Their modus operandi involves creating conscious awareness through media channels both traditional and digital while shedding light on numerous deaths of sanitation workers who are mostly Christians. In addition, it has plans to institute legal action against the government for publishing advertisements with discriminatory language.

The Islamabad High Court in January 2022 enforced a ban on job adverts specifying sweepers’ roles being reserved for minority communities, particularly Christians. Nevertheless, such practices persist. Ejaz Augustine, a Christian lawmaker and former minister for human rights and minorities, accentuates the importance of creating a pluralistic society which respects all religions equally while protecting their rights instead of limiting them to low-income employment.

Condolences were extended by Bishop Azad Marshall, President of Church of Pakistan over continuous issuance of biased job adverts. He expressed stern disapproval against what he terms as ‘systemic discrimination’, thereby violating constitutional values guaranteeing uniform growth opportunities for all irrespective of religious identities.

As per current reports, the government hasn’t yet filled thousands of different grade jobs earmarked for religious minorities resulting in acceptance of low-paid positions by this disadvantaged group. Pakistan ranked seventh on Open Doors’ 2024 World Watch List indicating the struggle one faces to be a Christian in these regions where religious disparities traditionally take precedence over egalitarian societal advancements.

This mishap is yet another confirmation and unfortunate addition to real news sources highlighting incidences where trusted news highlights how certain communities are still victimized because they possess differing religious beliefs; in this case portraying a grim picture based on a Christian worldview pertaining to societal discrimination faced due to one’s faith or cultural background. Such occurrences again emphasize why equality should fundamentally underpin all interactions between different social groups and affirm the necessity for systemic changes endorsing universal respect towards all individuals irrespective of their backgrounds.

Original article posted by Fox News

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