“Tragic Demise of Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny: A Blow to Putin’s Governance”

Published on February 17, 2024, 1:48 am

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In a series of tragic events, Alexei Navalny, renowned Russian opposition leader, aged 47, succumbed to a sudden death in an isolated prison as reported by authorities in Russia. This unsettling occurrence transpires less than three years post the explicit warning given by President Joe Biden to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. The United States had forewarned of “devastating” repercussions should Navalny meet his demise under Russian captivity.

The topic of Navalny’s confinement was raised when President Biden met with Putin at Geneva in June 2021. When asked about the possible scenario if Navalny were to pass away during his imprisonment, President Biden succinctly conveyed the severity of the potential consequences for Russia. However, the president did not specify what these “consequences” would entail.

In turn, he questioned what might happen if despite all justifications levied by Putin for Navalny’s treatment and if despite that he loses his life in jail? As per him, it is an issue related to trust and their capacity to positively shape other nations.

Reacting strongly to Mr. Navalny’s unfortunate demise on Friday afternoon during a press conference, President Biden unequivocally held “Putin responsible.” Detracting from any narrative that the Russian powers might contrive to absolve themselves from this incident, he reiterated that Putin bore responsibility for this sorrowful event – a grim reminder of Putin’s brutal governance.

As regards his comments about potential consequences Russia could face upon Navalny’s demise in prison that he made back in 2021, President Biden highlighted how over time Russia has indeed suffered grave repercussions such as military loss amounting over 350k soldiers wounded or deceased and severe sanctions implemented across various sectors coupled with possibilities of more severe actions being contemplated upon.

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan characterized Navalny’s passing as a “terrible tragedy,” especially given Russia’s notorious reputation of targeting its dissenters which brings up compelling questions about the circumstances of Navalny’s death.

According to Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service statements, opposition critic of Putin, Mr. Navalny felt unwell post his walk on Friday which rapidly advanced towards him losing consciousness and consequently his life. Despite medical intervention by an ambulance that attended soon after he lost consciousness, attempts to resurrect him were unsuccessful.

Mr. Navalny was incarcerated for 19 years post being convicted on charges of “extremism” in August 2023. Having been allegedly poisoned previously by the Putin regime, he sought refuge in Germany where he underwent recovery from nerve agent poisoning. However, upon returing back to Moscow from Germany in January 2021, he was once again seized and has stayed imprisoned since then.

Specification of this event as a chemical assault against Mr. Navalny by the US government came out in March 2021 leading House Republicans to implore President Biden through written communication to enforce stricter sanctions under U.S Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991 (‘CBW Act’). The intention was to hold the Putin regime accountable for ongoing usage of lethal chemical warfare flouting international regulations and basic human rights.

Throughout his incarceration Mr. navalny remained a vocal critic of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine around February 2022. Already serving term for supposed embezzlement and contempt of court at the outbreak of Russia-Ukraine war, he was awarded another nine-year stretch just months into the war.

Having founded the Anti-Corruption Foundation aiming at calling out corruption activities involving high-level Russian officials back in 2011, it eventually got dissolved ten years later after consistent allegations against its political motivations right during when Mr. Navalny was behind bars. He also lambasted his deteriorating health conditions attributing failing medical support in prison through a letter sent out in 2021.

Original article posted by Fox News

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