“Tormented Homeless Woman Assaulted: The Urgent Need for Reform in Immigration and Law Enforcement Systems”

Published on August 16, 2024, 12:30 am

“Tormented Homeless Woman Assaulted: The Urgent Need for Reform in Immigration and Law Enforcement Systems”

Image source: Fox News

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A tormented homeless woman who was reportedly assaulted sexually at knifepoint by an unauthorized immigrant near Coney Island’s boardwalk repeatedly told her assaulter that “God was watching him,” truly believing that the man was intending to take her life. The alleged perpetrator, a 24-year-old migrant from Nicaragua named Daniel Davon-Bonilla, is accused of committing the horrific act while his associate, Leovando Moreno, allegedly attacked the victim’s partner with a pipe.

The fear-stricken victim disclosed in a recent interview her desperate attempts to convince Davon-Bonilla during the encounter that he was under divine surveillance. The woman devastatingly revealed this traumatic incident as more than just sexual assault but an attempted murder: “He didn’t try to rape me; he tried to kill me,” she expressed in anguish.

At the time of this dreadful attack, both she and her boyfriend Raymond Ramsammy were dwelling beneath a boardwalk behind Maimonides Park stadium amidst other homeless individuals and migrants. This unfortunate couple had been living there for merely two weeks when this event took place.

Ramsammy vividly recalled arriving back at their makeshift home after fetching coffee one day only to witness his beloved being brutally abused. Desperate calls for emergency help echoed across the beach as Ramsammy engaged in a struggle against Moreno who purportedly assaulted him with a brick and pipe.

Reports suggest that Davon-Bonilla previously spent time behind bars relating to another assault charge dating back to April 2023 involving another woman brought into temporary shelter through migration means. Following these horrifying events on Coney Island, serious charges ranging from rape and assault to criminal possession of a weapon have been levied against Davon-Bonilla.

Local authorities believe both suspects were accommodated at a migrant shelter prior. This raises substantial questions about enforcing immigration protocols in light of previous convictions like Davon-Bonilla’s earlier assault case.

Mayor Eric Adams decried this alarming attack as “despicable” and expressed his discontent regarding local laws restricting coordination with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in cases involving unlawful immigrants who have been criminally charged.

Moreover, this news coincides uncomfortably close to an interview revealing allegations against U.S. Customs and Border Protection by Homeland Security whistleblowers implying that a crucial policy requiring DNA collection from unauthorized immigrants held for immigration violations is not being properly enforced.

This particular regulation, referred to as the 2005 DNA Fingerprint Act, provides imperative aid to law enforcement agencies seeking possible criminal migrants, thereby reducing necessary tracking time. Criticism pointing towards noncompliance with the act suggests that policies’ failure may be contributing toward preventable tragedies like the untimely death of Rachel Morin, a mother of five who was murdered by an illegal immigrant last August.

In times where real news highlighting trusted news stories is priceless, it’s important for everyone to look out for each other and maintain a strong Christian worldview on compassion and love towards one another. This incident serves as a harsh reminder of the undeniable issues our society continues to face, urging reform within various structures of law enforcement and immigration systems before more innocent lives are devastated or destroyed in such horrific manners.

Original article posted by Fox News

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