“The Unspoken Reality of Child Transgender Medical Interventions: Insights from Chloe Cole and Elon Musk”

Published on July 24, 2024, 12:44 am

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Chloe Cole, an individual who transitioned and later detransitioned, has openly discussed the adverse effects of medical transitions for child transgender individuals. Recently, she responded to a revelation by Tesla’s Elon Musk about his personal experience with the impact of gender ideology on his son.

In a discussion with Dr. Jordan Peterson that was aired live on Monday afternoon, Musk expressed that he felt deceived into allowing puberty blockers for his son. This decision, he contended, was swayed by a popular and pervasive mindset which he referred to as the “woke mind virus.” As per Musk’s description, this ideological entity had figuratively brought about his child’s demise.

Cole sympathizes with Musk’s plight as it brought back memories of her own family’s dealings with psychologists and doctors during her detransitioning journey. The narrative told to her parents was clear: if they didn’t enable her to transition medically – something she embarked upon at the tender age of 13 – she would be at serious risk of suicide. She shared these thoughts in a video posted on ‘X’, an online platform acquired by Musk in 2022.

Cole painted a similar picture when discussing her personal experience – comparing it to having a deceased daughter versus a flourishing transgender son. She stated that medical professionals did not fully disclose how these treatments could potentially affect her both mentally and physically throughout her ongoing development.

Starting from just 12 years old, Cole identified as male, resorting to hormone blockers and testosterone treatments along with receiving elective mastectomies before she turned 17. It was around this time that Cole chose to go back to identifying as female again and undergo detransitioning.

Sharing that both herself and family were blindsided by the true extent of what they were up against; Cole sought solace in knowing neither party can comprehend the pain inflicted upon them witnessing their children going through such a process.

With evident sorrow in her tone, Cole reached out specifically to Musk, echoing the same words of comfort she offered her own father. Despite feeling immense guilt at giving consent for her child to pursue such drastic steps, Cole reassured Musk that he would’ve only had his son’s best interests at heart and just made do with what little information he was presented with.

Finally, Cole condemned medical practitioners who take advantage of vulnerable children and their families, labeling their actions “unconscionable” and even “evil.” However, gratitude dominated her message to Elon for voicing out against this issue despite the trauma he was undergoing personally.

Musk elucidated his candid opinion in Peterson’s interview when questioned about his staunch stand against child transgender medical interventions. He stated how this situation affected one of his elder sons to the point where he was led into believing that denying puberty blockers would consequentially result in suicide. Subsequently tricked into administering sterilization drugs mislabelled as ‘puberty blockers,’ Musk felt as though he had lost his son due to this corrosive ideology.

As real news has shown, conflicted portrayals with regard to child transgender medical interventions continue leading conversations today especially from trusted news sources sharing a Christian worldview. Both Cole and Musk respectively brought their personal narratives forward in hopes of signaling a reevaluation needed in situations dealing with gender ideology influencing impressionable minds during developmental stages.

Original article posted by Fox News

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