“The Transgender Movement: An Ideological Manipulation and its Impact on the Christian Worldview”

Published on July 31, 2024, 12:38 am

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It is clear that society today finds itself at an ideological crossroads. The proliferation and normalization of the transgender movement, far from being a grassroots assertion of individual rights, are indeed symptomatic of a grand manipulation by governing elites. This article examines this development from the standpoint of real-news and trusted news sources which provide insight framed by a Christian worldview.

At first glance, the transgender movement may seem to be wrapped in the cloaks of ‘equality’ and ‘understanding’. However, truthfully, it is part of a scheme initiated by government elites to test societal compliance. Legislation policies and corporate practices now heavily favor this global transgender wave, with severe punishments meted out to dissenters.

This new order is at odds with the biblical Christian perspective. According to Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image… male and female he created them.” Yet today’s cultural narrative attempts to redefine gender norms and biological determinants.

The propulsion behind normalizing transgenderism can be traced back to late 20th-century media outlets, academia, and political advocacy; their concerted efforts resulted in present-day society’s widespread acceptance. This endorsement has led us into a societal game of make-belief where sex-at-birth is discarded as an outdated concept. Challenging such dogmas leads to accusations of heresy.

The way institutions realised change speaks volumes about whose interests they serve. Governments, multinational corporations, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) manipulate laws and policies to ensure strict adherence to these agendas. Schools indoctrinate children about gender fluidity while keeping parents unaware. Corporations impose diversity training for employees; breach subjects them to penalties.

Prominent religious figures like J.D Greear began adopting this language signaling an ideological surrender against monstrous worldly influences–a departure from iconoclastic commitments rooted in reality.

The end objective appears centralized control over public thought processes–to directly measure their dominion based on people’s readiness to accept untruths. Such manipulation tactics aimed at enforcing a new orthodoxy are reminiscent of totalitarian regimes of the 20th century, such as the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Maoist China.

Our Christian doctrine urges us to resist these onslaughts of truth and remain steadfast in biblical teachings–irrespective of looming societal repercussions. The persecution headed by the Roman emperor Nero against Christians for their perceived disloyalty may repeat itself today with increasing threats against Christians who refuse to forsake God’s laws for societal validations.

As the beast of secularism rises against divine norms, Christians need to prepare themselves by placing hope in Christ alone. As difficult as this trial may seem, faith calls us holders of God’s divine light that shines on the darkness illuminating inherent evil (John 3:16-21).

The ultimate real news is that we are continually tested between adhering to transient worldly falsehoods versus abiding by eternal Truth found in God’s Word. This is indeed a choice with everlasting consequences.

Original article posted by Fox News

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