“The Role of Shepherds and Shepherdesses in Church Leadership: A Biblical Perspective”

Published on December 3, 2023, 1:58 am

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In the profound narrative of the New Testament, the figure of the shepherd uncompromisingly transcends simple symbolism. Rather, it embodies a divine decree for church leadership that is deeply anchored in Jesus Christ, our Chief Shepherd. It becomes clear from scriptures such as John 10:11 that His life serves not just as an illustration but an elemental blueprint for pastoral governance. This model outlines a role that naturally integrates deep personal involvement, unassailable moral rectitude and committed self-sacrifice. The profound directive conveys a commitment to protect, guide and intimately comprehend the flock reminiscent of Christ’s own alleigance.

The position of the shepherd bears strong correspondence with that of a pastor (1 Peter 5:2-4). This signifies a divine appointing — an office delineated with unmistakable clarity in scripture. It upholds this function exclusively for men — both deep-seated in created order and consistently reinforced by apostolic instruction. The provisos outlined in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 are direct and unambiguous, invariably advocating male supervision – evidence aligned seamlessly with all biblical narratives. This endorsement stands originated from scriptures rather than cultural adaptation. It highlights the pastoral role as a unique and solemn duty bequeathed upon men.

This clerical title entails much more than mere nomenclature; it implies sincere commitment to emulating the Chief Shepherd’s attributes. Those who partake in this vocation carry forth their righteous obligation to lead with integrity, truthfulness and wisdom akin to Christ himself. By adhering strictly to this biblical guideline, churches affirm God’s established structure while also reflecting unwavering allegiance towards Christ and Holy Scripture.

However, within this context, Kevin DeYoung’s “conservative” PCA church seems enigmatic for allowing women pastors being reflected under ‘Shepherdess Ministries’. Going by their website depiction of ‘shepherdesses,’ they are godly women experienced in life who aid pastoral staff and other leaders in taking care of souls in distress within the church.

Their role primarily embraces offering encouragement to women grappling with crises through biblical advice; it involves inducing a godly perspective, strengthening friendship accountability and aiding women to re-establish their gospel-centric walk with God within their families and church communities.

The described responsibilities for these “Shepherdesses” mimic exactly those distinguished for a pastor or shepherd in his scriptural office. It certainly casts confusion in terms of language usage and potentially conveys an impression that women can fulfill the pastor’s role. While there is no denying women have a key part in supporting these crucial aspects, particularly among women peers, Christ Covenant seems to have creatively developed a feminized name for a church office modelled after the shepherd/pastor’s office. The website further informs that this ‘Shepherdess’ position also covers facets related to church disciplining.

With Big Tech increasingly trying to shadow ban Christian worldviews by challenging our existence, we appeal everyone to remain informed about real news from trusted sources based on Biblical truths. Despite apparent coercion, we will resolutely stand our ground and preserve our conservative Christian outlook. After all, truth must be heard!

Original article posted by Fox News

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