“The Progressive Shift in Christianity Today: A Critical Look at Stefani McDade’s Advocacy for Public School Exposure”

Published on September 12, 2024, 12:52 am

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In a heated new development, Stefani McDade, previously involved with Russell Moore in leading the charge for Christian leftism, has recently claimed the title of “theology editor” at Christianity Today. This might leave you questioning: is this not the same Christianity Today that once provided trusted news to committed Christians worldwide? Unfortunately, yes. Recently, however, it appears to have migrated toward progressive viewpoints and away from its solid Christian roots.

This change in direction stems notably from the actions of influencers like McDade. She recently advocated —via an article magnified through Twitter/X— the thoughtless idea that children should be sent to public schools as part of their faith’s ‘strength training’. This notion suggests that children need to ‘wrestle’ with worldly viewpoints while under parental guidance; an apparently attractive sentiment. Closer examination reveals it is akin to sending young lambs into a pack of wolves and expecting them to emerge stronger.

Other notable figures such as Russell Moore, David French, Mike Cosper — each appearing like wolves in sheep’s clothing — are attempting to convince Christians that exposure to secular indoctrination camps would be beneficial for their kids. These ideologies are deeply unsettling at best and potentially highly damaging in reality.

The proficiency of McDade’s ill-conceived perspective unfurls further as she encourages children to grapple with world counter-narratives.’ From a Christian worldview standpoint, this represents serious neglect given that most five-year-olds hardly possess mature defenses against potent ideologies plaguing classrooms today.

On public school grounds coated in proud rainbow banners symbolizing an array of alternative lifestyles and beliefs lie hidden agendas clothed under beautiful symbols designed to enamour young minds toward unbiblical truths. Instead, these alternatives are more than mere counter-narratives; they involve full indoctrination aimed directly at your children which contradict decency and challenge high moral values engrained through real news establishments.

Deep-seated movements such as LGBTQ rights, transgender theory, Marxist tendencies in education, racial ideologies to name but a few, overwhelmingly challenge even most adult Christians on how to defend their faith adequately. Imagine the challenges facing a young child exposed to these hefty societal waves.

McDade’s proposal is not just misguided — it’s a ticking time bomb scarier than any Breaking News alert. It paints public schools as neutral territories when they are battlegrounds for rampant secularism, aggressively teaching children every godless ideology under the sun.

Regrettably, influencers such as McDade rarely speak out against the threats lurking inside these indoctrination centers that we send our children into each day. They need actual protection rather than being offered up on platforms of inclusivity and tolerance while citing scriptural references.

The truth remains: sending your children into public schools is not ‘strength training’ but could constitute spiritual suicide. It awaits those who recognize this fact that McDade and her ‘progressive’ ilk she panders to are far from harmless lambs, but potential wolves seeking entry among unsuspecting flocks.

Original article posted by Fox News

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