“The Modern Reformation: Christian Resistance Against Descending Left-Wing Influence in Today’s Church”

Published on September 3, 2024, 12:39 am

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During the era of the Protestant Reformation, “No Peace with Rome” was a rallying cry that reverberated throughout Europe. It symbolized the insurgents’ refusal to reconcile with the deep-seated corruption within the Roman Catholic Church, recognizing that any alignment with an institution rooted in such errors would inherently betray the gospel. Even under immense pressure for false unity, they chose to remain unyielding, condemning silence in face of heresy.

Today’s Christians encounter a similar fork in the road as they face their own “Rome” – not marked by medieval ritualistic traditions of a church but rather by a pervasive force cloaked in modern progressivism. Be it politicians like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi look to their faith as political props or leftist instigators masquerading as evangelical pastors; one thing is clear: Progressive liberalism has become analogous to papal power. This new influence aggressively promotes an agenda tantamount to declaring war on God Himself.

Such blatant left-wing authorities are relentless in contending that dismissing unity equates to “political idolatry”. They insist on avoiding division over political convictions while neglecting its deeper purpose. Topics such as abortion, homosexuality and Critical Race Theory (CRT) are more than political debates, these are moral concerns deserving scriptural rectification. Avoiding neutrality on these pressing issues is paramount.

The current trend among progressive liberals, Democrats and left-wing supporters embody an unholy creed — opposition against God. History serves as a testament that just how reformers refused to endorse Roman Catholic principles then similarly we, true believers must not harmonize with this radical section seeking to inject their godless ideology into our church today.

Pastors and pundits advocating for harmony merely parrot beautifully crafted narratives while conveniently condemning violence fitting their narrative including school shootings or assassination attempts or incidents like ‘January 6’. However, when facing acts of violence befitting their ideology – carnage of unborn babies or riots causing rubble they show a dismissive attitude.

Beneath the veil of peace talks and reconciliation, these individuals are fervently working to deconstruct the mission of the Church and foster societal unrest. Their worldview acts as a tumour, progressively eroding the pillars of God’s teachings, His church and creations. They have sown seeds of discord under pretences of harmony and remain diligently foster chaos.

Over recent years, left-wing advocates have escalated division and violence under unity’s banners. Their agenda is reminiscent of fear mongering with calculated character assassination against those guarding the truth, equipping inflammatory buzzwords like “Nazis”, “white supremacists” or “anti-choice” to further their cause. Branding aware individuals as monsters advocating life, biblical truths or principles of limited government reek of an orchestrated attempt to fuel hatred against dissidents challenging their radical narrative. They reverse good for evil and darkness being projected as a new beacon.

Church leaders promoting unity and common ground denigrate our calling to resist this wave evilness echoing our forefathers sentiment: No peace with Rome – no peace with progressives. There can be no compromise or surrender in combating this tide.

As responsible Christians within this dynamic environment we must face these challenges head on informed by emerging trends such as gender seasonality discounting science to fit an imposed narrative or controversies arising from acceptance or rejection of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatments seen by some as ‘miracles’ while contradictory to biblical principles. Christian news today should echo real news anchored in trusted sources for believers around the globe seeking guidance through God’s truth in these changing times.

Original article posted by Fox News

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