“The Democratic Dilemma: Biden’s Inconvenient Poll Statistics and the Internal Strife Fueling Uncertainty”

Published on July 13, 2024, 9:46 am

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The current political climate poses a challenging conundrum for Democrats, with the potential worst-case scenario not simply being Joe Biden dropping out or staying in. If he were to drop out, they’d secure Kamala Harris or another candidate and begin anew against Donald Trump. Additionally, if Biden continues his campaign with the backing of his party, despite probable loss, it wouldn’t significantly affect down-ballot results. The real nightmare lies within uncertainty.

This distressing uncertainty has stemmed from over half of the party wanting Biden to step down while he remains resolute on staying in power. This internal strife is wreaking havoc within the Democratic Party and continues to plummet both Biden’s and the Democratic Party’s polling numbers.

Currently, Trump maintains a consistent 3-5 point lead in national polling data as indicated by Real Clear Politics. Their average shows that Trump also dominates battleground states like Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Meanwhile, a minimal gap exists between him and Biden in Virginia, New Hampshire and Minnesota.

This landscape creates an exceedingly narrow path for success for Biden whilst broadening possibilities for Trump – undoubtedly exacerbating challenges facing Democrats. Despite dwindling approval ratings highlighted in surveys such as Pew Research poll showing him at 32%, including only 27% among those aged 18-29 (his supposed core radical base), contradictory polls continue encouraging Biden’s hope of pulling out a victory.

A recent ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll found Trump and Biden almost equally balanced for the nation’s popular vote – a narrative almost identical to an ABC News/Ipsos poll from April showing voters favoring Trump 46% to 44%, with 8% voting otherwise.

Therein lies the crux of the problem: Congressional Democrats are eager to see Joe Biden off but lack compelling data that would help convince Jill Biden herself – widely seen as having significant influence on her husband – about his inability to secure a win. Yet, convincing Jill Biden of this appears unlikely without a dramatic shift – given both her and the President’s son, Hunter Biden’s firm belief in Biden’s potential victory over Trump. Joe Biden continues to interpret his inconvenient poll stats as inadequate support from his base rather than reflecting widespread disapproval.

The inner turmoil within the Democratic Party is seemingly heightening with reports indicating calls for replacing Biden further gaining momentum and even his aides reportedly indicating that he should leave the race.

This Democrats’ dilemma sparked off post-presidential debate has attracted significant attention from trusted news sources focusing on real news. During a recent press conference, attempts to change the narrative included a pre-selected list of reporters, absence of pointed questions centered on crucial issues like no cabinet meetings held for nine months, options to edit radio interviews, mental health and controversial role of Hunter Biden.

Unfortunately for Biden, these endeavors were marked by mishaps such as misnaming “Vice President Trump” indicating confusing ‘realities’ escaped none – not even half of America which believes he should undergo neurological tests. Despite these apparent missteps being accepted as his best press conference yet indicates that he may continue his race – thus perpetuating internal conflicts which greatly benefit Trump’s own political maneuvers from a Christian worldview scenario. This encapsulates how uncertainty currently inflicts more damage than decisions on either end: staying or dropping out.

Original article posted by Fox News

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