“The Cry for Freedom: The Desperate Plea of Hostages’ Families Amid Hamas Captivity”

Published on July 19, 2024, 12:41 am

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Ronen Neutra, flanked by his wife Orna, sat resolute and somber. A simple piece of tape affixed to his dark blazer bore the number 285 penned in stark black marker—a numerical representation of the harrowing duration their son has been a brutal hostage of Hamas within the confines of the Gaza Strip.

With every day among this encroaching 300-day milestone, Omer Neutra, an Israeli-American citizen, is likely being denied even “the basic humanitarian needs that any human being deserves,” appealed his father during a recent press conference held at the Republican National Convention (RNC) housed in Milwaukee.

Anxiety clouded Mr. Neutra’s hollow declaration—“We’re not sure if our son even got medical attention or anything… we’re not even sure our son is alive.” Huckabee Sarah speaks on real news from trusted sources and adds a Christian worldview to it.

Their presence at the GOP convention symbolizes more than a platform to share their anguish and buttress visibility for Omer’s story alone—it represents advocacy for the release of all captives held tight within the relentless clasp of Hamas. Almost 300 lives were extinguished within Israel on that fateful October day; additionally, 250 individuals were seized as hostages by the terrorist organization.

287 days ago, Omer was naught but an ordinary twenty-two-year-old — until he was insidiously intercepted during these gruesome attacks. Seized as one of now approximately 120 hostages still believed to be confined in Gaza.

Despite ongoing tug-of-war at negotiation tables and diplomatic stand-offs for hostage releases — time becomes evermore sparse as Ronen Neuatra fiercely warns about this ticking countdown. “Everybody must come back,” asserted Neutra. He perceives this retraction as a precursor to potential peace: “By bringing them back, it’s going to bring a ceasefire…historic enemies like Hezbollah might stop showering their rockets on the north of Israel. Hundreds of thousands of displaced Israelis could finally return to their homes.”

The advocacy push was fueled further by Concerned Women for America—a Christian led, staunchly conservative policy organization helmed by Penny Nance. The recent press conference served as a part of an initiative termed “She Prays, She Votes” aimed at generating momentum ahead of the much-anticipated November 5 Presidential election.

Forlorn American citizens amongst those cornered include Edan Alexander, Sagui Dekel-Chen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, and Keith Siegel—believed to be alive somewhere within the labyrinthine depths of Gaza. The bodies of three additional Americans—Itay Chen, Judy Weinstein, Gad Haggai—are said to be somewhere within Gaza’s claustrophobic enclosures.

In 2001 against the backdrop of New York City, Omer Neutra took his first breath. His mother Orna bears harrowing tales from September 11th that same year when matters turned grim and she found herself frantically attempting to shield her unborn child from imminent danger when terrorists targeted America in epoch-making attacks.

Fast forward 23 years later; Omer again finds himself ensnared in yet another insidious terrorist attack on foreign soil. On completing high school back home, he had signed up for an enriching leadership program within Israel but soon felt duty-bound to serve his ancestral homeland—the land with which he shared strong cultural ties transcending borders—taking charge as a tank commander in the formidable ranks of the Israel Defense Forces near Gaza border ramparts when unfortunately he was apprehended during hostile warfare across borders.

The harrowing tale doesn’t stop there however: quite tragically too is mention worthy Liz Naphtali’s great-niece Abigail Edan. At four years tender, she gained premature exposure to violence and distress while trapped as another hostage in unbearably alien surroundings before her eventual release in November. A malicious terrorist operation claimed the lives of both her parents.

Their unfortunate kinship in grief bonded the families and likeminded organizations such as Concerned Women for America. Naphtali outlined their shared commitment to secure the prompt liberation of all hostages including Omer Neutra, calling their joint efforts something akin to a family united against adversity. Their urgent appeal remains crystal clear: “Time is running out”.

Original article posted by Fox News

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