“The Contestation Over Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers: A Vanguard for Unborn Lives Under Threat”

Published on July 7, 2024, 1:22 am

“The Contestation Over Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers: A Vanguard for Unborn Lives Under Threat”

Image source: Fox News

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In an era where the question of abortion is increasingly divisive, the United States Supreme Court two years ago, gave power back to the citizens and their elected representatives to debate and legislate it. Not all representatives support legal safeguards for unborn children, finding it unsettling that some even work towards curbing the choices available to women. This misdirected focus targets not just any institutions but pro-life pregnancy centers, organizations at the forefront in offering real news and trusted information from a Christian worldview.

Having experienced the pro-life movement firsthand during my youthful days volunteering at a local pregnancy center, I stand today providing legal representation to these centers. These establishments are no ordinary clinics; they mirror the very essence of sanctity of life. Actively engaging with expectant mothers caught in difficult situations and working tirelessly to ensure they choose life for their unborn children.

The assistance provided by these centers extends far beyond persuading choices. They play a pivotal role by supplying materials such as diapers, maternity clothing, baby outfits free of charge along with empowering animating support like parenting lessons or adoption referrals based on individual circumstances. For those uncertain about their choice or still carrying wounds of past abortion decisions, free counseling services are offered. Centers equipped with licensed medical personnel offer gratis screening tests including ultrasounds and STD tests — a comprehensive trove of resources made readily available for women in distress.

Yet shockingly, instead of garnering widespread community support for delivering genuine alternatives to women during their crisis pregnancies, many pro-choice politicians have rallied together to shut down these centers.

Case in point – Massachusetts governor launched an exorbitant public campaign designed to keep women away from pro-life pregnancy centers under the pretense of “protecting” access safe and legal abortions effectively funneling her cause entirely towards abortive measures rather than allowing freedom of “choice.”

Similar unfortunate developments have unveiled across multiple states California’s Attorney General rallying 15 attorneys general in opening war on centers denying abortions. War not limited to rhetoric alone, but active developments like lawsuits against California pregnancy centers advertising a viable counter to abortion – the abortion pill reversal method which has saved over 5000 unborn lives according to statistics.

It is hard-pressed to comprehend why anyone, irrespective of their stance on abortion, would oppose a place offering cost-free help to women, babies and families in need.

However, these attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers are extensive covering issues beyond mere provision of APR. Vermont for instance blatantly censors them from advertising their life-affirming services. A strong case contested by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), bringing out the stark reality behind these so-called “pro-choice politicians”; their choice skewed heavily towards abortive practices eliminating real choice for pregnant women.

The irony lies within the tardiness of even dedicated pro-life Christians in defending these vital support facilities serving vulnerable expectant mothers. Recent surveys show that just one-third of church-attending Christians report any form of involvement with pregnancy centers from their congregations. It’s time for pro-life supporters to band together and secure the good works carried out by these indispensable institutions as clearly our elected representatives are too divided to shoulder this responsibility effectively.

To get involved or support the work of ADF, visit their organization’s website or connect on social media at @ADFLegal.

Original article posted by Fox News

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