“Supreme Court’s Unanimous Ruling in Favor of Trump Exposes Flawed Democrat Strategies, Says Legal Analyst Elie Honig”

Published on March 6, 2024, 12:51 am

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Elie Honig, a legal expert and columnist, recently criticized the Democrats’ effort to disbar former President Donald Trump from the ballot. According to Honig, this attempt was bound to fail from its inception and is likely to bolster Trump’s political mileage.

On Monday, the Supreme Court made a unanimous ruling (9-0) that Colorado cannot exclude former President Donald Trump from its primary ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

Honig likened the belief regarding Trump’s potential removal as a “wild law-school hypothetical sprung into existence,” which he believes will only help fuel Trump’s ambition to reclaim presidency.

He further stated, “If you anticipated a different result, you’ll be excused. Many of us were subjected to firm assurances from leading constitutional scholars insisting that Colorado’s application of the 14th Amendment against Trump was legally unattackable. This was reinforced by another expert who claimed to have researched this specific question meticulously over three years. Other influential individuals backed these claims by disparaging any argument suggesting that the 14th Amendment might not be effectual as exceedingly weak or complete nonsense.”

In numerous instances where legal activists attempted to bar Trump from holding office citing the 14th Amendment, their efforts deemed unsuccessful every time.

Honig also highlighted some disagreement amongst justices on how exactly a federal candidate can be disqualified in future elections. However, there was unanimous rejection for the state-by-state approach. The legal analyst found it noteworthy how justices across ideological divides came together on this decision due to the crystal-clear flaws in the 14th Amendment challenges.

The Supreme Court has clarified what should have been obvious: Without an explicit act of Congress authorizing it, it’s not up to individual states. This fact is clearly spelled out in the plain text of the 14th Amendment stating that “The Congress shall have power to enforce, by suitable legislation, provisions of this article.” Hence, unless Congress alters that definition, the 14th Amendment remains untouchable.

Honig also drew attention to the valuable “resources, credibility, and political capital” lost in this ill-fated mission to eliminate Trump from the ballot. He voiced his belief that Trump’s supporters would rally around this setback instigated by a group of elitist law professors attempting to deny American voters a choice and suppress the leading Republican contender.

The legal analyst concluded that one of Trump’s distinctive political strengths is his ability to inspire such intense dislike in his opponents that they self-sabotage.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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