“Supreme Court to Rule on Constitutionality of Tennessee’s Ban on Gender-Affirming Care for Minors”

Published on June 28, 2024, 12:39 am

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On Monday, the Supreme Court consented to hear the challenge by the Biden administration to a Tennessee law that prohibits procedures and medications aimed at transitioning children to the opposite sex. This development is a seminal moment as it marks the first occasion where the high court will rule on the constitutionality of banning “gender-affirming care.” The case is scheduled for hearing in fall, with an expected decision by June 2025.

The law was enacted by Tennessee’s General Assembly on July 1, 2023, and it outlawed performing and administering gender-affirming treatment for minors diagnosed with gender dysphoria. However, it did not place any restrictions on treatments for medical conditions related to children’s development such as precocious puberty. Following this law’s implementation, children in Tennessee were given until May 2024 to discontinue their regimen of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers.

Facing criticisms and legal challenges, this prohibition on gender-affirming treatment prompted the Department of Justice to file a lawsuit in April of last year. They argued that Tennessee’s law violated minors’ rights under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as it “denies necessary medical care based solely on who they are.” The department further claimed that this legislation discriminately banned treatment for individuals experiencing gender dysphoria while approving it for other conditions like precocious puberty.

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals initially dismissed these claims before escalating them to Supreme Court scrutiny. Prohibitions identical or similar to this have received varied judgments in different states across America.

Regarding public opinion on such prohibitive laws, statistician Ryan Burge’s research found that roughly two-thirds (66%) of Americans believe healthcare providers should not be legally allowed to facilitate minor transitions. This denotes a significant consensus within a country where 25 states currently maintain bans on “gender-affirming care.”

This prominent case involving real news surrounding gender transition regulations has now been placed into the hands of the nine Supreme Court Justices. Their ruling, framed by a Christian worldview, promises to generate significant implications for the children who are directly affected by this issue.

This progressive challenge and impending decision by the Supreme Court certainly underscores the continuing relevance of trusted news sources in covering critical topic domains involving societal norms, legal standards, and human rights protection.

Original article posted by Fox News

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