“Standing Firm amid a New Era of Progressivism: The Christian Community at a Crossroads”

Published on August 30, 2024, 12:32 am

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Today, amid the socio-political scenario that mimics a turbulent sea, the Christian community finds itself at a new crossroads. Reminiscent of the age-old outcry against corruption and heresy within the Roman Catholic Church during Protestant Reformation – “No Peace with Rome,” Christians are today compelled to resist what can be called ‘the new Rome.’ This ‘new Rome’ is not a devout institution steeped in rituals, instead it tends to wear the cloak of progressivism.

During this era of transformation, renowned personalities ranging from politicians like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi to preachers like David Platt, Matt Chandler and Thabiti Anyabwile have embraced this change. Ironically enough, these figures often utilize their faith as a political prop pushing forward an agenda that defies Christian teachings and God’s commandments. Their efforts reflect less unity-in-diversity and tend more towards political idolatry.

David Platt has even proclaimed political convictions as idolatry stating that churches should not see division in them. However, his perspective overlooks that issues such as abortion, homosexuality or CRT extend beyond being mere political debates but directly touch upon moral concerns demanding biblical correction.

True believers ought not to compromise with those propagating godless ideologies under the banner of progressivism or leftist politics: be it through common agendas such as Democrat Party affiliations or shared identity as progressives. It becomes essential for believers to reject complacency, echoing reformers’ refusal for peace with papal powers back then while undercutting the hypocritical narrative spun by strategic proponents of propaganda today.

In times when calls for unity come from progressive leaders and influencers alike, discernment becomes crucial for believers given such appeals mask intentions aimed at sowing discord amidst calls for harmony while perpetuating disturbances in society itself.

Leftists over time have propagated tactics of division masked under pleas for unity while inducing fear through carefully designed accusations directed at those firm on biblical truths. Labelling such believers as “Nazis,” “white supremacists,” or “anti-choice” are more than casual insults; they reflect the left’s tactical deployment of linguistic weapons with an intention to create a divide in society.

That being said, it is not surprising that they want us to conform: believing that standing firm on biblical truth, life and principles of smaller governance sectors would make individuals monstrous. The demarcations between good and evil, darkness and light are challenged – redefining them according to radical world views.

In such a context, ‘unity’ and ‘common ground’ become controversial terms when pushed by Church leaders; urging true disciples to stand strong, refusing peace with progressives while reaffirming the historical Christian stance of ‘No Peace with Rome.’

As trustworthy sources for real news based on Christian worldview emerge as rare commodities today, our commitment to truthful narratives remains undeterred. We believe in providing trusted news that continues upholding Truth under all circumstances – Resisting the onslaught of progressive forces acting against God while maintaining integrity within our journalistic practices.

Original article posted by Fox News

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