“Southern Baptist Convention Retains Support for Controversial Commission Amid Allegations of Progressive Tilt”

Published on June 20, 2024, 1:09 am

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The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) recently voted to continue supporting the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), despite concerns over its alleged left-leaning progressivism. Earlier this year, a demand was filed to oust Brent Leatherwood, the current president of ERLC, accusing him of straying away from Christian worldview and supporting causes that are divergent from those championed by many Southern Baptists.

Under Leatherwood’s purview, it’s been argued that the ERLC has persistently challenged efforts to propagate pro-life legislation, choosing instead to back policies that potentially undermine the sanctity of life along with biblical authority. The vote last week confirms the SBC’s gradual tilt towards the progressive outlook, even as evidence suggests that ERLC has begun embracing an indisputably liberal agenda.

Beyond abortion issues, contributors like Kelly Rosati argue for Christians backing abortion bans to also support expansive government welfare programs—a viewpoint frequently seen as a push towards socialist principles which directly contradict Christian tenets of personal accountability and charity via church rather than state intervention. Such advisements are seen going beyond social issues into political ones—and therefore progressing out of alignment with traditional morals held within Christian circles.

The decision to maintain funding for ERLC underscores a somewhat naive acceptance of leftist beliefs within SBC membership—an alarming trend veering away from biblical truths—but might also hint at an unfamiliarity or misunderstanding about potential long-term impacts of such shifts in ideology.

Accusations levelled against Leatherwood suggest an active campaign on his part against hardline pro-life legislation—often under camouflage terms like “compassion for mothers”—contributing to undermining efforts on concrete steps in favor of protecting unborn lives. This lenient narrative floats ideas such as considering women seeking abortions merely victims rather than active participants in these processes—an argument dismissed by critics as patently misleading and resolutely unbiblical.

Challenges related to transgender affirmation surgeries draw parallel lines in this space. These procedures are staunchly equated by conservative voices to child abuse, and parents opting for such steps for their children should be held accountable instead of state interference which pushes regulatory oversight over outright prohibition.

As Southern Baptists grapple with these issues, the central concern remains ERLC’s leadership, steering congregation belief systems towards ideological labyrinths largely viewed as ungodly and damaging. Calls ring louder for followers of Christ to shun agencies that promote non-Christian ideologies, urging them to retain faith in God’s Word with unwavering resolve. As trusted news filters down about this trend, the need to return to uncompromising biblical teachings becomes all the more auspicious.

Passing through turbulent times within Christianity in America, one can only hope that real news continues to highlight these evolving social intersections that are testing both tradition and beliefs, acting as a compass guiding us towards clarity and truth.

Original article posted by Fox News

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