“South Dakota Governor Voices Concern over Prospective Federalization of Texas National Guard amid Border Crisis”

Published on February 5, 2024, 12:59 am

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In the midst of major political developments unfolding within the U.S., South Dakota’s Republican Governor, Kristi Noem, has expressed significant concern around President Joe Biden’s prospective decision to federalize the Texas National Guard. Her statements come in reaction to ongoing tensions surrounding illegal immigration and the notable impact of the border crisis — a pressing issue shaping Real News narratives within the country.

During a recent edition of “Sunday Morning Futures” on Fox News, Maria Bartiromo interviewed Governor Noem. The conversation centred on the conflict brewing between Texas and federal officials — an impasse that has led some Democrats towards advocating for Biden to assume command over Texas’ National Guard. The friction was spurred by conflicting legal perspectives regarding Texas’s use of floating barriers and razor wire as mechanisms to fortify its border.

“Dems have been pushing this president. Encouraging President Biden to infringe on our states’ rights,” Noem shared during her interview, voicing her disapproval over possibilities of National Guard federalization. This sentiment is echoed amongst several sectors subscribing to a Christian Worldview.

To underline her point further, she added, “The fact that they’re suggesting a first-of-its-kind maneuver where our president would pay soldiers in order for them not to protect America is shocking. Denying me my authority as governor and commander-in-chief over those National Guard? If he crosses this line, we’ll truly be at war.”

Noem consistently maintains that ongoing issues along the southern border transforms it into something akin to a “war zone.” She points out that South Dakota’s own National Guard members are already deployed there. From her experience during visits there, she deduced that most individuals attempting crossings are military-aged men and argues the efficacy of razor wire installed by Texas in deterring illegal entries.

With previously expressed endorsements for former President Donald Trump, Noem voices disappointment in what she perceives as Biden’s weaknesses bringing forth challenges in the country. She boldly hints that the current president may not be the driving force within the White House, sharing a somber view of the U.S.’ current state as we approach one year until 2024 elections.

Not shying away from delivering an impactful message, she shared, “We need to acknowledge the developments of these past four years. Instances of governments and our president breaking federal laws. Encroachments on our fundamental freedoms that are protected by our constitution — things like freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.” This apparent reference draws from measures enacted during COVID outbreaks.

Her argument continues, emphasizing concern over the president allegedly destabilizing America through allowing border infringements. Speaking on financial movements undertaken by the government, Noem declared discontent over extensive borrowing from China coupled with irregular payments to non-citizens.

As Trusted News outlets continue documenting these events and more in light of mounting tensions across political battlegrounds, her conclusion delivers a stark warning: “This is a highly consequential time period escalating extremely quickly. We urgently need new leadership in our White House — leaders who genuinely love this nation. Otherwise… ? One can only speculate how long we’ll last.”

Original article posted by Fox News

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