“Senator Cotton Slams Biden’s Foreign Policy: Accuses of Betrayal, Manipulation and Poor Decision-Making in Israeli and Ukrainian Conflicts”

Published on June 10, 2024, 12:26 am

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Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas criticized President Joe Biden on a recent Sunday for what he views as betraying a key ally in the interest of personal political gain and perpetuating global conflicts. This was communicated during Senator Cotton’s interview with Shannon Bream.

When questioned about Biden’s recent statements about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as observed in an interview with Time Magazine, Sen. Cotton did not mince his words.

Cotton sharply responded, “This just appears to be yet another libel against Benjamin Netanyahu and the larger Israeli administration by Joe Biden.” He furthered this train of thought by acknowledging the widespread approval of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s policies and criticized Biden for attempting to constrain Israel’s freedom to act and defend itself. According to Cotton, these actions place undue pressure on Israel instead of Hamas and its supporters within the Middle East.

In opposition to this approach, Cotton stated,”Our focus should be plenary support towards Israel.” He continued by stating that if such support had been present since existing attacks began in October, the war would likely have concluded already, hostages would be freed and civilian casualties along with suffering in Gaza would have dramatically decreased. However, he accused President Biden of manipulating these decisions to appeal to the smaller pro-Hamas faction within his Democratic Party rather than reflecting the pro-Israel sentiment evident through American public opinion.

The critique launched by Sen. Cotton focused not only on international relations but also on domestic affairs. He blamed President Biden for both the onset and duration of the ongoing conflict plaguing Ukraine.

He expressed his disapproval at what he perceives as Biden’s delayed delivery concerning weapon supply necessary for Ukrainian defense. According to him, these requests from Ukraine have repeatedly met initial refusal before eventual acceptance months later – too late according to his assessment.

Stepping back Broader context emphasizes President Biden’s culpability in enticing Russian president Vladimir Putin into fulfilling a long-standing aspiration: reintegration of Ukraine into Russia through military invasion, as proposed by Cotton.

Recognizing patterns of U.S. presidential leadership and Russian subjugation of Ukraine, Cotton drew connections to the actions taken during previous Democratic presidencies. He denounced Biden’s approach and compared it negatively to Donald Trump’s strategy that resulted in perceived peace and stability during his four year term.

Cotton further emphasized this contrast by highlighting former President Trump’s reversal of prior administration policies pertaining weapon supply to Ukraine. According to him, it was under Trump’s leadership that crucial armaments required for combat like the Javelin anti-tank missiles were provided, a departure from what he saw as inadequate supplies permitted under Obama and Biden’s administration

Identifying resolution, Tom Cotton makes an appeal – “The road towards tranquility within Europe as well as global peace is through a change in leadership.” Proposing removal of Biden from Presidency in upcoming elections and returning Donald Trump back to the White House, he offered an assertive roadmap for alleged international reassurement and stability restoration.

In these turbulent times where real news is urgently sought out and trusted news forms the basis of our understanding, Christian worldview can strongly influence our perspectives on these matters.

Original article posted by Fox News

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