“Senate Republicans Demand Answers on Omission in Special Counsel Hur’s Report Regarding Biden’s Classified Document Management”

Published on February 13, 2024, 2:49 am

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Senate Republicans, Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI), have requested a detailed explanation from the leadership of the Department of Justice (DOJ) concerning what they believe is a “significant factual omission” in Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report. The alleged oversight revolves around President Joe Biden’s management of classified documents.

In a letter unveiled on Monday, the senators probed Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and Hur about nine boxes of materials reportedly retrieved from the Boston office of President Biden’s personal attorney. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) stated that the FBI had diligently reviewed these materials nearly a year prior.

These BOXES came to public knowledge last year when NARA reported that these records, relating to Biden from Patrick Moore’s Boston office – one of Biden’s personal counsels – were retrieved by them. However, Special Counsel Hur’s report made no mention about these nine boxes, creating doubt over whether Special Counsel Hur was aware or had examined this important information.

The Senators are taking exception with the timing of this particular letter which comes in quick succession to an unflattering report by Hur on Biden’s handling of classified documents post-office. Despite not recommending any charges in his 388-page report, he did call out certain memory issues affecting Biden which might potentially impede jury conviction.

Hur briefly highlighted Moore’s role as the holder for “Biden’s political materials”, excluding any reference pertaining to these controversial nine boxes.

Grassley and Johnson have remained engaged with NARA throughout data gathering efforts. Last March they received notification that NARA had procured the nine boxes from Moore’s Boston office at DOJ’s request back in November 2022. This was done as part of a larger investigation into Biden’s management practices regarding classified documents.

NARA also revealed how FBI conducted box contentchecks by March 2023 and confirmed that thus far NARA officials had not examined these materials. However, they stated that they “will conduct an appropriate review” of records containing pseudonyms or personal email addresses utilized for official government functions.

Grassley and Johnson urged towards clarity and transparency stating, “DOJ, FBI, and the Special Counsel’s office owe Congress and the American people a complete explanation regarding this apparent omission in Special Counsel Hur’s report. We demand a thorough description of the content within these nine boxes and an account of their handling.”

They have also posed several queries about these materials requesting a response by February 23. Attempts towards reaching out to both DOJ and FBI were met with the former declining to comment while redirecting all queries to the special counsel.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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