“Russia’s Potential Space Weapon Poses Serious Threat to US: Republican Intelligence Committee Member Warns”

Published on February 19, 2024, 12:35 am

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A Republican member of the US House Intelligence Committee has cautioned that a potential space weapon being developed by Russia poses a significant threat to both the American economy and military. Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) gave a candid revelation about this grim reality on a recent episode of “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“The full deployment of this weapon could render our economy sightless by taking out our GPS,” Waltz told his host, Maria Bartiromo. “Such an eventuality could also effectively blind our military operations. It’s quite serious – it’s a weapon that could bring destruction not just to us, but to countries worldwide.”

Last week, concerns about these kinds of threats saw an uptick in the nation’s capital following House Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner’s (R-OH) urgent call to declassify intelligence about potentially destabilizing military assets from foreign adversaries.

As subsequent days unfolded, the White House did admit that Russia has been developing an anti-satellite capability while emphasizing that it had yet to be deployed fully. Turner faced criticism for his disclosure after certain details were shared with all members of the House.

Waltz revealed Turner’s mounting frustration after having sent numerous classified letters to current administration officials seeking their course of action against this imminent threat. He remarked, “Regrettably, we encountered total silence.” Regardless, the committee decided unanimously that such grave issues warranted strong awareness among its membership regardless of political affiliation.

When discussions reached a significant inflection point, action soon followed as evident from Waltz’s confirmation: “The Director of National Intelligence and National Security Advisor made appearances on Capitol Hill on successive days outlining strategies and actions planned in response to these threats.”

Waltz worriedly suggested Russian President Vladimir Putin might have capitalized on America’s deep reliance on technology: This fact alone might prove advantageous for him or provide severe deterrence for strategic actions required from us.”

Host Bartiromo noted that some critics allege Turner’s disclosure was a ploy to garner support for additional aid to Ukraine, a matter that remains unresolved in Congress. Waltz refuted any correlation between the threats of Russian space weapons and the stalled financial aid to Ukraine or The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) reauthorization.

“These concerns are entirely unrelated to aid for Ukraine or FISA,” he explained. “Rather, it was due to observational gaps and relative administrative inertia as this threat escalated that motivated the committee’s actions. Notably, a unanimous vote from all sides testified to the seriousness of the situation.”

Ensuring access to real news and trusted news is essential in such pressing times when global politics are increasingly influenced by technological advancements. As these unfolding events continue to shape our world from a Christian worldview, it is pivotal that civilians, lawmakers, and leaders alike remain well-informed with up-to-date information.

Original article posted by Fox News

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