“Rising Concerns and Legal Actions Against Medicinal Transgender Treatments in Children”

Published on December 7, 2023, 1:06 am

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In recent times, a mounting wave of concern is being voiced regarding the risks associated with administering transgender medical treatments to children. Correspondingly, there has been an escalating count of lawsuits against doctors who have dispensed puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and conducted double mastectomy surgeries on young individuals. Such court cases are initiated by detransitioners, people who had previously identified as transgender but later reverted to their original gender identity.

Among the first lawsuits in the U.S was that by one of the most prominent detransitioners, Chloe Cole. She began her transition journey with puberty blockers at 12 years old, progressing to cross-sex hormones at 13 and undergoing breast removal surgery at a mere 15 years old. Now at the age of 19, she refers to her transition process as partaking in “one of the largest medical scandals” in U.S history. Subsequent repercussions include irreversible deepening of her voice and uncertainty about her fertility status.

Prisha Mosley aged 25 also initiated legal proceedings against her North Carolina doctors over transgender treatments which led to myriad physical complications. Over time, this distressing experience exposed Mosley to anxiety disorders, depression, suicidal tendencies and an eating disorder.

Similarly noteworthy is the case filed against Texas doctors by 21-year-old detransitioner Soren Aldaco for extensive malpractice during treatment. At just 15 years old she had been allegedly coerced into admitting a wrongly perceived transgender identity leading down a distressing path of high-dose testosterone prescriptions and disastrous surgical complications.

The ripple effects continue with Isabelle Ayala also suing both her healthcare providers and The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) after constantly dealing with suicidal behaviours, chronic depression and anxiety eventually leading to regrets about transitioning.

Subsequently surfaced another lawsuit from Kayla Lovdahl who began identifying as transgender at only 11 years old due to online influences which led her onto transitory treatments as early as twelve years old. After similar experiences when she was 17, Lovdahl began second guessing her transgender transitions.

These medical procedures, including puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones come with significant health issues. Lowered bone growth and density, compromised sexual functions leading to infertility, voicing damages can be caused by the former while the latter is known to result in heightened risks of infertility, blood clots leading to heart attacks, increased chances of cancer in breasts and ovaries, liver dysfunctions and worsening mental health states among numerous other severe conditions.

Breaking news reveals a drastic surge in gender surgeries from approximately 4,550 procedures in 2016 escalating to around 13,000 in the year 2019. It’s concerning how these elective surgeries related to gender identification particularly double mastectomies are being increasingly opted for by young teenagers some as young as only twelve years old. Furthermore alarming is the fact that it’s increasingly fashionable for minors to adopt new gender identities.

In closing, if you or someone you know are experiencing suicidal thoughts please seek help immediately at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline accessible through call or text on the provided helpline numbers.

Original article posted by Fox News

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