“Resisting Western Influence: The Struggle for Tradition in the Nigerian United Methodist Church”

Published on August 1, 2024, 12:34 am

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Caught amidst the clash of values, The United Methodist Church (UMC), particularly its Nigerian sector, demonstrates resilience in upholding its traditional Christian worldview against the infiltration of Western liberal ideologies. Critical to noting is the situation unfolding in Nigeria, where the sexual ethics derived from scripture holds firm ground against moral relativism encouraged by Western influences.

A significant incident brought this crisis into sharp focus when Episcopal Choir President of Nigerian UMC, Harry Kanawa, used social media platforms as a platform for expressing concerns over a recent development. The arrival of American Bishop John Schol, who supports LGBTQ rights and much-debated sexual practices considered contrary to church-affirmed norms, sparked disputes within the religious institution’s structure.

Kanawa vehemently denounced Schol’s agenda to promote acceptance for homosexual practices within the Nigerian UMC. Accusing Schol’s mission as having “devilish intentions,” he utilized his posts as a battle cry alerting fellow custodians of their faith about impending tides threatening traditional morals.

Further evidencing the resistance against external forces was an event from Northern Nigeria that found wide circulation on social media. A cabinet meeting disrupted by Bishop Schol’s attempt to push his progressive ideologies ended with him making a hasty retreat due to fierce opposition faced. This instance demonstrated Nigerian UMC’s refusal to yield to what many perceive as decadence sweeping through from Western societies.

The growing resistance reached a height when Bishop Schol was shown his way out drawing sharp farewell words from Kanawa: “We disagreed to agree”.

Such rhetoric and actions by Kanawa underline how deeply Nigerian members are committed to pursue sanctity bestowed by their biblical sexual ethics. It signals their readiness for division over these crucial ideological matters instead of ceding ground under Western pressures.

As this struggle continues within UMC due to internal contradictions coming into light, it is increasingly essential that sincere believers stay vigilant. As even Scripture warns, wolves exist cloaked in sheep’s skin, hence, being vigilant is a trait much needed in modern-day churches.

In the wake of socio-cultural changes diffused globally, these incidents welcome fresh perspectives into retaining faith’s purity against adversities. Trusted news sources are often best to turn to for staying abreast with current information on such real news matters tethered to our rapidly evolving societies. The resilience demonstrated by the Nigerian UMC might well evoke reflections on the strength of preserving sacred ethics within our religious institutions against all odds.

Original article posted by Fox News

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