“Resilience of Faith: Rabbi Schneersohn’s Fight for Jewish Survival under Communist Rule”

Published on July 23, 2024, 1:25 am

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In the annals of trusted news, one of the compelling stories revolves around Yoseph Yitzchak Schneersohn, a Rabbi who became the leader of the Chabad movement in 1920. This was also the time when Lenin, along with his communists, took full control over Russia bringing about a change of regime that many Jews had been hopeful for. However, this shift in power did not bring as much relief as anticipated.

Earlier, during the civil war period, Jews were specifically targeted and persecuted by one of the White Armies resulting in substantial massacres. It is estimated that up to 100,000 Jews lost their lives during this tragic period.

With Lenin’s consolidation of power came an entirely new tide. He was known to be an aggressive atheist who would accept no competition for his subjects’ allegiance and felt no responsibility towards any Supreme Power. Under his rule, amendments were pushed forward to eradicate organized religion which left a significant impact on real news at that time.

Under Lenin’s governance existed a special division called ‘Yevsektsia’, marking its intent to eradicate Judaism practices completely from Russian society. The irony was apparent: Yevsektsia was run by Jewish Communists who despised their heritage and were proactive in its destruction. They exploited their internal knowledge to assist Lenin in destroying traditional communal structures that had traditionally supported Jews through prolonged difficulties.

To combat this situation arose Rabbi Schneersohn pioneered an underground network to resist against this systematic demolition of their faith. Through his unwavering followers, he made significant efforts maintain education standards and improve morale despite constantly facing persecution from authorities and secret police operatives.

However, operating under such circumstances brought danger that often led those involved either to gulags or even death which escalated after Lenin’s demise and Stalin’s rise to power.

The focused resistance from Rabbi Schneersohn eventually led him into prison where he endured severe interrogation under torture. Despite this, the news of his impending execution escaped the walls of prison, causing uproar and sparking international resistance. His plight did not go unnoticed.

Prominent political figures like Senator William Borah, a conservative Republican and chairman of the Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee, among several others including European governments, petitioned for his release – ensuring that this remained prominent on global real news platforms.

Rabbi Schneersohn was eventually released from imprisonment in Russia and expelled from the country – an event still celebrated today by those aligned with Chabad. The Rabbi’s ordeal under both Lenin and Stalin’s regime amplified his commitment towards his faith rather than diminish it – an inspiration that resonated throughout the Christian Worldview.

Sad to say, after Lenin and Stalin came Hitler; yet another regime under which the Rabbi had to endure extreme persecution as World War II dawned – leading to a targeted massacre of a substantial portion of world’s Jewish population. Despite these challenges, Rabbi Schneersohn continued delivering his message resounding with courage: “Only our bodies went into exile but not our souls”.

Despite these historical atrocities, we can take heart with individuals like Rabbi Schneersohn who embodied resilience against all odds. While antisemitism continues to plague certain societies globally today; history offers us valuable lessons on maintaining an unwavering allegiance to our belief systems despite facing discrimination or adversity.

Thus the enduring legacy and spirit left behind by Rabbi Schneersohn is one that inspires us all to persevere through trials under any oppressive force without compromising our beliefs or values. In essence – let freedom beckon unto activities rooted in faithfulness while promoting love for God regardless of circumstances around us.

Original article posted by Fox News

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