“Republican Governors Challenge Biden over Global Health Treaty: Threat to U.S. National Sovereignty or Public Health Necessity?”

Published on May 29, 2024, 1:10 am

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As President Joe Biden contemplates ratifying a global health treaty that could transfer the power of U.S governance to international administrators, numerous governors across the nation have expressed their collective opposition against surrendering America’s national sovereignty.

Almost every Republican governor has appended their signature to a remonstration urging Biden to rethink backing an impending agreement aimed at augmenting the authority of the World Health Organization (WHO) prior to, amid, and following global health calamities.

The pertinent task force is tirelessly preparing the final draft of the WHO Pandemic Agreement set for review before the World Health Assembly commences its meeting. The current version implies nations must align with WHO’s regulations on regular immunization and social measures such as imposing lockdowns and mask mandates. An extensive worldwide redistribution of U.S wealth along with technical knowledge based on principles of equity are also implicated by this agreement.

Despite its potential overreach into state affairs, there are indications that the Biden administration will accept this treaty without approval from Congress.

According to critics, this envisaged document could endow WHO with unprecedented and unconstitutional powers over the United States and its citizenry, posing a radical shift in responsibilities for individual state governors. Opponents also voice concern about how these measures may infringe upon American freedoms regarding speech, privacy, travel choice concerning medical care, and informed consent – all fundamental tenets enshrined in our Constitution.

One key concern lies within potential powers granted to WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus along with other leaders to subjectively declare a public health emergency internationally within member nations. The scope of such emergencies broadens past mere pandemics including diverse environmental conditions and socio-economic factors.

An array of Republican governors hold reservations that this delegation of authority could degrade sovereignty by dispossessing elected representatives of their role in setting public health policies. This would oblige citizens to obey directives issued by WHO possibly even specific medical treatments— a reflection of the perspectives of known governors such as Ron DeSantis (Florida), Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Arkansas), Glenn Youngkin (Virginia), Doug Burgum (North Dakota), and Chris Sununu (New Hampshire).

Government executives express concerns about a potential worldwide surveillance infrastructure mandated to regulate speech related to public health. They warn that obligatory sharing of information on incurable, highly transmissible viral diseases with the rest of the world may inadvertently promote the dispersal of biological weapons.

Moreover, all Republican governors have signed a letter— barring Mike Parson of Missouri, Mike DeWine of Ohio, and Phil Scott of Vermont– affirming their commitment to resist any attempts at transferring authority over public policy affecting our citizens to WHO.

This move is part and parcel of escalating U.S opposition nationwide against WHO pandemic agreement among American citizens— 93% Republicans voting negatively in Georgia’s primary on May 21 against allowing international bureaucracies like WHO management rights over future pandemics within the United States or regulating healthcare choices.

Contentions are not confined domestically but now span globally, British authorities have announced they wouldn’t agree to the treaty unless it seized mandating them to relinquish 20% supplies of British pandemic medicines for redistribution by WHO.

By providing constructive critiques and oppositions towards these proposed international measures, these state leaders and citizens alike defend their right to maintain a Christian worldview rooted in principles of individual liberty and sovereignty in navigating through breaking news palpably impacting real lives.

Original article posted by Fox News

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