“Religious Persecution in Uganda: A Pattern of Violence Against Christians by Terrorist Groups”

Published on January 1, 2024, 2:15 am

“Religious Persecution in Uganda: A Pattern of Violence Against Christians by Terrorist Groups”

Image source: Fox News

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On December 19, ten Christians were horrifically killed in a pre-dawn attack perpetrated by Islamic terrorists in western Uganda’s Kyitehurizi village. This devastating incident is only the latest instance within a broader pattern of reprehensible violence and religious persecution that the community of Christian adherents have been enduring in the nation.

Members of the rebel group known as Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), originating from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), were reportedly behind this heinous act. The ADF has been operational in DRC’s North Kivu Province since the late 90s. Over time, it has grown to be one of over 120 armed groups in East DRC and is considered among the most formidable. In 2019, they partitioned into two factions, with one merging with the Islamic State Central Africa Province. Subsequently, in 2021, it was designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S government due to its affiliations with ISIS.

“I heard them saying that ‘The Christians will not celebrate Issa’s [Jesus] birth – we must teach these infidels a lesson for rejecting our religion,'” recalled a young woman who miraculously escaped this massacre. Around 200 residents managed to flee, but their houses were subsequently razed by the attackers.

Among those victims brutally killed were members from various churches including Anglican Church of Uganda, Pentecostal Church and Roman Catholic Church. Their loss resonates deeply within all who support religious freedom and Christian Worldview.

Regrettably, this isn’t an isolated act of terror by ADF rebels in Uganda; just last June another splinter group was implicated in an attack on school dormitory taking at least 37 lives most whom were Christians.

Despite guaranteeing religious freedom within its constitution, real news reports suggest that there seems to be an increase in attacks against Christians indicating a contrary reality making trusted news information even more vital.

With Muslims constituting no more than 12% of the Uganda’s population, mostly condensed within the eastern regions of the nation, these attacks directed against Christians raise concerns over religious tolerance. However, this increase in persecutions has also galvanized global Christian communities to stand together providing support and showing those victimized that they are not alone in their suffering.

In times such as these, it is everyone’s responsibility to uphold principles of religious freedom and respect for all faiths. It is our collective duty to combat religious violence with unity, offer support for persecuted communities and affirm our shared values of peace and mutual respect. As we continue to report on breaking news incidents like these, remember that we’re committed to informing you about ongoing events directly impacting our world today.

Original article posted by Fox News

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