“Religious Freedom Challenged in Indonesia: Crackdown on Christian Worship in a Muslim-Majority Country”

Published on July 7, 2024, 1:22 am

“Religious Freedom Challenged in Indonesia: Crackdown on Christian Worship in a Muslim-Majority Country”

Image source: Fox News

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Breaking news from Surabaya, Indonesia reveals a potential threat to freedom of worship and religious tolerance. Recently, in Mergosari, Tarik District, Sidoarjo Regency of Java island, Indonesian officials deterred a wedding ceremony mid-service and enforced a ban on the church from further meetings at its current location. These abrupt decisions were taken by the local village head Eko Budi Santoso under the contention that the congregation lacked adequate building permit for their “House of Prayer,” which operates without adorning typical church features.

There has been some disagreement among residents of this Muslim-majority country concerning attitudes towards the church’s presence. Despite claims that locals opposed it, many have openly stated they harbored no opposition to the gatherings taking place in the ‘House Of Prayer.’ This serves as an example of balanced Christian worldview and religious tolerance within communities.

Nevertheless, Pastor Yoab Setiawan was callously coerced into abandoning the sanctity of his ongoing marriage sermon and made to attend a seemingly impromptu field meeting with Eko and other state officials at a nearby food stall. They accused him of public complaints against their prayer house due to infrastructural legality concerns; an allegation unsupported by any verifiable source.

This incident brings us face-to-face with the growing issue over real news vs concocted stories. The antagonistic encounter was documented through video footage captured by Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) or Hagios Legal Aid Institute – thereby giving trusted news observers a captivating insight into actual happenings on ground zero.

This ordeal prompted Pastor Setiawan to suggest officials might prioritize banning visible immoral activities happening near official premises rather than focus on such petty matters. In response to these allegations raised against them, he expressed contrition alongside his wife Lidya Laviyanti in earnest pleas for empathy towards their small minority group trying only to congregate peacefully in worship.

Regrettably, their petition was dismissed with a stern ruling from the village head. All activities now mandated to first secure permission from local “neighborhood” representatives. This dictum betrays the trust that any faithful congregation could have in practicing their faith freely.

An unfortunate discovery reveals a certificate of registration for the House of Prayer by Christian Community Guidance Regional Office leader, Luki Krispriyanto dated Dec 7, 2023; a document Eko admitted he had no prior knowledge of. A reflection of insufficient communication or careless disregard for due process when considering matters involving freedom of religion.

In a attesting meeting held at Mergosari village chief’s office, Sidoarjo’s acting regent identified as Subandi showed support for the ban but permitted home worship among congregation members. In an ostensible move to hasten resolution, officials demanded expedited acquisition of a building permit within an ambitious one-month deadline – granting interim worship permissions only within homes.

On record public opinion seems contrarian to official views with locals expressing no disturbance caused by congregational worship activities and never feeling unease from prayer house’s Sunday gatherings. Bonar Tigor Naipospos, deputy chairman Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace–a human rights organization–was not silent in his condemnation stating political constellations and electoral interests often make public officials placate unchecked intolerant groups at minority expense thereby violating constitutional rights.

Indonesia ranks 42nd on Open Doors’ 2024 World Watch List–an international NGO tracking persecution against Christians worldwide–highlighting societal adoption of conservative Islamic attitudes is increasing vulnerability towards targeted attacks on churches especially those engaged in evangelistic outreach.

Original article posted by Fox News

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