“Religious Freedom and Free Speech at Risk: The Effects of SB 5722 on Faith-Based Counseling”

Published on December 13, 2023, 1:12 am

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The high-stakes courtroom struggle between Brian Tingley and Robert W. Ferguson, Attorney General of Washington, et al., is a groundbreaking development that’s making headlines in real news outlets. This case represents a significant milestone that will inevitably influence the future of religious freedom and free speech in America. Therein lies the challenge to both the principles enshrined in the First Amendment and the continuous right to practice one’s faith.

Washington’s law, SB 5722, lies at the heart of this controversy. This law stands as a formidable decree preventing licensed healthcare providers from performing so-called ‘conversion therapy’ on minors. On the surface, it may seem like an inclusive step towards progressive dynamism but trusted news sources have verified that this mandates conversion therapy with all attempts to modify an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

Brian Tingley, a state-authorized marriage and family counselor, posed opposition against this legislation insisting that it infringes upon his First Amendment rights by limiting speech based on its content or perspective. To our dismay, these arguments were disregarded by The Ninth Circuit Court deemed counseling not as an exercise of speech but as professional conduct.

A declining decision to review this instance from The Supreme Court sets an unsettling standard for future court proceedings regarding similar issues. The negligence shown by other supposed conservative justices depicts an alarming defiance towards constitutional integrity and personal liberties, leaving potential infringements on fundamental freedoms undefended.

This narrative extends into faith-based counseling domains namely biblical and nouthetic counseling which are significantly influenced by Christian worldview guidance. These counselors face an arduous ordeal due to SB 5722 as it advocates acceptance towards exploring sexual identities conflicting with biblical teachings imposing stern restrictions on their advisory role within society.

Visualize a setting where adolescents seeking spiritual guidance from church or Christian counselors are limited by government regulations such as SB 5722 resulting in controlled advice strictly aligning with state directives while suppressing faith-enriched ideals. The issue goes beyond mere conversion therapy, it is a subtle encroachment on the freedom to openly follow and propagate Christian beliefs.

The current narrative signals a crossroad where the constitutionally guaranteed liberties of free speech and religion are covertly being eroded under legitimizing progressive legislative acts. Regrettably, the Tingley case vividly portrays a broader initiative to sideline religious perspectives conflicting with modern secular norms.

Large technology corporations have intensified their endeavors to mute our voices, attempting to eradicate our conservative biblical worldview. This signals a threatening tempest potentially wiping away hard-won liberties. Freedom for counseling guidance based on faith is not a minor issue easily dismissed; it’s pivotal in a society that claims to cherish liberty. To stay updated, subscribe and gain insights from reliable news sources committed to preserving our fundamental rights.

Original article posted by Fox News

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