“Reflecting on Ground Zero: The Pastoral Perspective of Mickey Stonier”

Published on September 12, 2024, 12:56 am

“Reflecting on Ground Zero: The Pastoral Perspective of Mickey Stonier”

Image source: Fox News

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Unforgettable are the memories of Ground Zero from the tragic events of September 11, shared by Pastor Mickey Stonier of the San Diego Rock Church. Through a Christian worldview, he reflects on four decades of service to victims of trauma, no recollection as poignant as his time at Ground Zero in the wake of 9/11.

Imprinted in Stonier’s memory is honoring the fallen first responders from the catastrophe. Each revelation of a deceased first responder amidst the debris would halt all work on site temporarily. “No matter who was on scene,” says Stonier, “everyone would stand down for New York’s bravest and finest to respect their lost comrades.”

Silence fell over Ground Zero as each casualty was respectfully put into a body bag and onto a gurney, gently lifted by crane offsite while everyone saluted till they were out of sight. As chaplain, it fell upon Stonier to lead those present in prayer for the families and loved ones left behind.

Noting that this period was undoubtedly challenging yet rewarding, Stonier highlighted how heartening it was to support and pray for numerous first responders risking their lives daily.

Recalling 9/11 is not something any living during that traumatic period can forget quickly – underlining its significance to future generations is crucial, explained Pastor Mickiey. He hopes people will continue to remember events like these perpetually: “We need to pass these memories on,” he stated.

“It’s vital we remember our history rather than trying to alter it or erase it entirely.” He adds that remembering protects against deterioration and potential manipulation—a tactic often employed by extremists like Marxists seeking complete control.

Stonier also commended Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump for setting aside politics at Ground Zero during this anniversary week—real news showing unity across party lines. He further suggests that engaging younger generations in similar activities could deepen their connection with significant historical events, fostering a sense of respect and gratitude for first responders ensuring national safety.

For the last 20 years, Stonier has focused on training pastors and community members how to support their communities during crises and urges churches to be more involved in this.

He laments that a once united America post-9/11 has devolved into factions distinguished by “us versus them” mentality. He also highlights his fears about the impact of increasing virtual interactions on physical relationships, which he cites as critical components for bouncing back after trauma.

Stonier believes that churches have an essential role in healing divisions and bringing people together. To achieve this, he advocates for training congregation members on how to actively “love their neighbor.”

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Original article posted by Fox News

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