“Questioning the Legitimacy of Greg Locke’s Apostolic Ordination: A Divergence from Orthodox Christian Doctrine”

Published on May 28, 2024, 2:25 am

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In a recent event that echoes the biblical account of the prophet Elijah mocking the prophets of Baal, Greg Locke’s newly ordained status as an “apostle” at Global Vision Bible Church signals a clear divergence from orthodox religious thought. This remarkable ceremony, presided over by Southern Baptist pastor Malachi O’Brien, saw both Locke and his wife being officially declared “Apostles,” amidst a milieu of charismatic enthusiasms and questionable claims.

O’Brien’s effort to validate this apostolic ordination represents nothing less than a gross misinterpretation of scripture. He asserts that modern churches require apostles and prophets in much the same way as early churches did, conveniently overlooking the essential fact that the Christian Church’s foundation has already been firmly established through original apostles and prophets (Ephesians 2:19-21). The unique roles these individuals played were confined to the first century specifically to serve their purpose once the New Testament Canon was solidified. Any suggestion otherwise essentially undermines God’s final revelation through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-4).

By contrast, real apostolic authority was invested in those who were direct witnesses to Christ’s resurrection and had been personally commissioned by Him (Acts 1:21-22). For anyone to claim such authority today is not only presumptuous but heretical. Greg Locke can certainly not be categorized as an apostle — no contemporary preacher can make such a claim without significantly skewing fundamental biblical truths.

The all-embracing theological premise advocating for ongoing continuity of apostles and prophets constitutes an alarming deviation from doctrines grounded in scripture. Named as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement, this platform lays its foundation on additional revelations outside scriptures and personal prophecies diverting followers away from genuine gospel teaching towards self-glorifying beliefs based on experience.

Hierarchy within modern Christianity needs only pastors or teachers for edification of parishioners today (Ephesians 4:11-12). There is no need for new additions such as apostles or prophets. As practitioners of a Christian Worldview, it is our duty to uphold the authority vested in scripture. Eventually, any current claims made towards these roles are an unnecessary sham and deception. Such false teachings must be turned away with rigorous commitment similar to Elijah’s showdown with the prophets of Baal. The truthful breaking news from a trusted source is that your faith should be built upon God’s word, not on whimsical charismatic innovations.

To conclude, Greg Locke’s appointment as an ‘apostle’ represents flagrant theological impropriety that should be disregarded with equivalent contempt like Elijah showed towards the Baal’s prophets. His modern-day apostolic inauguration is nothing but a human-contrived spectacle lacking any form of biblical legitimacy.

Original article posted by Fox News

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