“Questioning Progressive Christianity: An Analysis of Stefani McDade’s Views on Public School Education”

Published on September 14, 2024, 12:35 am

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Stefani McDade, a prominent figure within the increasingly left-leaning Christian sphere, has recently been appointed as ‘theology editor’ at Christianity Today. Once lauded for its substantial contribution to serious Christian discourse, many feel this platform is now primarily serving as a stage for progressive thought under the mask of faithfulness. The appointment of McDade could potentially extend these criticisms even more.

McDade recently authored an article where she advocated for one of the most controversial notions that a practicing Christian might hold – sending their children to be educated in public schools. Framing these educational establishments as places for “strength training” in children’s faith, she encourages parents to expose their young ones to conflicting worldly narratives whilst they still have stewardship over them.

As enticing as this proposal may sound, it could also be likened to forcing lambs into a pack of ravenous wolves and expecting them to emerge stronger. Advocates such as McDade along with Russell Moore, David French, Mike Cosper and others attempt to convince Christians of the necessity of putting their children through what effectively amounts to secular indoctrination camps. This strategy suggests deep confusion on behalf of its promotors at best or disguised threats and dangers at worst.

McDade’s approach seems indicative of a softer slanting theology presently permeating wide segments of today’s church. Her approach implies that children as young as five are equipped enough to deconstruct complex ideologies delivered by imposing figures at the helm of classrooms—an incredibly daunting task.

To unsuspecting kindergartners who may view the flashy rainbow-themed classrooms adorned with leftist propaganda merely aesthetically pleasing—this is anything but trivial. To the educators present —these symbols represent their own sexual identity and paint it as something normal worth celebrating alongside them. Stefani seems alarmingly dismissive about this becoming mainstream instead of recognizing it accurately—a full-scale assault on not just Christianity but general decency aimed squarely at our next generation.

To compound matters, McDade misappropriates John 17:15 to support her stance. She contends that Jesus’ prayer demonstrates that Christians are to remain within the world yet be safeguarded from evil. This interpretation seems misdirected. The prayer was meant for His disciples—mature followers equipped to navigate worldly challenges armed with gospel truth—not minors unprepared for confrontations about gender fluidity or complex social ideologies often given more precedence than basic education in today’s classrooms.

Progressive Christianity spearheaded by figures such as McDade, Moore and French appears determined to deconstruct traditional family values starting with its most vulnerable members – children. These ideologies push a narrative that exposes children to harmful concepts in the garb of building resilience through hardship akin to ‘throwing them into the lion’s den’. Amid this convoluted discourse of strength training and wrestling, one can see it is actually child sacrifice substituting fire and idols with classrooms filled with secular humanism and rainbow flags.

Sadly, public school education is no longer a neutral bastion for learning but has transformed into training grounds promoting radical secularism at an alarming rate. This isn’t about coexistence—it’s about assault on truth itself under the banner of education.

If Stefani truly cared about developing Christian worldview or cherished children as she claimed, she would warn parents fiercely against the imminent dangers lurking within these institutions. Her fallacious tactics offer Christian children as tokens of inclusivity, equity and tolerance—all deceptively supported by scripture—an approach equally perilous and dishonest.

Consequently, sending your children to public schools cease being ‘strength training’ but appears closer to spiritual suicide instead. Stefani McDade comes across as a sheep in wolf’s clothing manipulating parents into believing the salivating wolves in public schools act as gentle pups helping spiritual growth.

In conclusion, consider this breaking news from revered real news sources reported through trusted news outlets from a Christian worldview perspective. Reflect objectively on the reality of our current times and strive to decipher insidious agendas that may lie hidden beneath glossy progressive veneers.

Original article posted by Fox News

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