“Questioning Fairness: Congressman Chip Roy’s Demand for Transparency from DOJ on the FACE Act”

Published on February 18, 2024, 1:26 am

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Access to real-time, trusted news with a Christian worldview is vital in today’s dynamic society. It allows audiences to comprehend global happenings from an unbiased perspective, which aligns seamlessly with truth, justice, and morality. In the vein of this commitment, let’s analyze a significant story making headlines recently.

United States Congressman Chip Roy has insisted that the Department of Justice (DOJ) should adhere to legislators’ demands for details on its application of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE). However, as reported earlier, the DOJ has not yet complied with these requests.

Congressman Roy is a Texas Republican who previously proposed a bill aiming to repeal the FACE Act. In October 2022 he called upon the DOJ to divulge prosecution data linked to this act but found his calls unheeded. Despite assurances during a December hearing from Kristen Clarke of the DOJ that he would receive the requested information, Roy continues to wait for concrete data from this body.

Chairing the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government, Roy expressed alarm at what he sees occurring within this process. His transparency concerns are rooted in what appeared like disproportionately skewed prosecutions under FACE – protests advocating life have been targeted more than instances where pro-abortion assaults have occurred at places of worship or pregnancy resource centers.

The congressman believes that such discrepancies undermine not just basic American rights but also impedes oversight duties inherent in each Committee member regarding departmental activities, including those of both DOJ and Civil Rights Division. Consequently, he argues that it’s crucial for DOJ’s principle focus be protecting all Americans without favoritism.

Roy’s demand from DOJ is exhaustive: he wants every FACE Act case brought forward since its institution in 1994; all FACE cases spurred by incidents or attacks at abortion providers; those originating from incidents or attacks at pregnancy resource centers and houses of religious worship; as well as any policies or protocols implemented by the DOJ concerning the filing and prosecution of charges under FACE Act.

The FACE Act among other protections guards abortion clinics, pregnancy centers, and houses of worship. But Roy claims that it has been used by the DOJ chiefly to prosecute pro-life individuals.

The Face Act has been a subject for discussion amongst legal practitioners, political circles, and advocacy groups for years. This was further ignited when six pro-life activists were found guilty of violating its provisions in January 2024 – facing potentially decade-long jail terms, supervised release periods as long as three years plus fines that could amount to $260,000.

Perceived bias within this sphere extends beyond judicial proceedings however. Mark Houck along with his wife Ryan-Marie Houck voiced their belief that they had been singled out by the Biden DOJ because of their fervent pro-life activism – a ministry focussed on advocating for women considering termination of their pregnancies. In November they sued the Biden administration alleging “malicious and retaliatory prosecution”.

The Civil Rights Division appears largely unheedful of this outcry though. Continually prosecuting those espousing pro-life perspectives under the FACE Act still seems firmly on its agenda. Clarke’s public support for abortion coupled with her harsh criticism towards pro-life pregnancy centers cast further shadows on impartiality within this arena.

Given the gravity of these grievances on both sides, more breaking news is undoubtedly due around how things unfold here. As always though, finding platforms which offer authentic updates based on trusted news with a Christian worldview is paramount.

Original article posted by Fox News

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