“Promises Versus Reality: Assessing Biden’s Impact on American Restoration”

Published on February 16, 2024, 12:36 am

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In his campaign for the 2020 presidency, Joe Biden ardently promised to “restore the soul of America.” His pledges encompassed revitalizing America’s global reputation, battling for democracy, and preserving the nation’s promise of prosperity. However, many argue that President Biden has ironically amplified our nation’s divisions and negatively impacted the areas he avowed to regenerate.

Biden’s vision for America was encapsulated in his 2020 discourse; he depicted America as a beacon of hope for those most distraught. The core values of this great nation, according to Biden, ensure everyone is treated with dignity and hatred finds no refuge. He asserted that regardless of your starting point in life, hard work will ultimately enable you to achieve anything. As refreshing as this posited outlook may have been at the time, skeptics assert that Biden’s subsequent rhetoric and implemented policies have somewhat tainted these principles.

Biden frequently underscores his commitment to restoring America’s middle class – evidently an aspect synonymous with what many refer to as the American dream. His assertion that Americans believe we can accomplish anything aligns deeply with this sentiment. Nevertheless, critics suggest Biden’s policies have made success more elusive. Key economic indicators reveal escalating difficulties; food prices rose approximately 20.9% since he took office in January 2021 and average gas prices spiked from $2.39 on Jan 20th 2021 up to $5.016 before settling at $3.225 currently.

In response to rising inflation, Federal Reserve increased interest rates which led mortgage rates rise from 3.1% on Jan 20th 2021 possibly up to between 6.1% -6.7% by 2024 paired with escalated home prices since January 2021—indicating an estimated increment of about 80% in homeownership expenditure compared Microsoft Research fellow at The Heritage Foundation.

The consequences of such changes are obvious: a typical American family requires an additional $11,000 in annual income to maintain the standard of living they enjoyed before Biden took office. A poll conducted by Reuters/Ipsos comports with these concerns, showing 88% of Americans believe inflation has been unusually high over the past two years.

Regarding America’s standing on global terrain – another focus area for restoration according to Biden – his administration’s handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan arguably diminished the international perception of America’s fortitude. This could be perceived as a strategic misstep that facilitated further controversies such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and increased tensions in the Middle East.

During his campaign, Biden assured supporters he would enhance our very democracy. However, critics suggest he has paid only lip service to this priority. Furthermore, there have been unprecedented attempts during his tenure at preventing potential presidential candidates from participating in future elections based on questionable legal challenges.

Biden would contest criticism by emphasizing efforts he has advanced to safeguard election integrity including expansion of mail-in voting and relaxation of constraints to secure ballot chain-of-custody during the COVID-19 pandemic; helpful measures allowing more people vote within outbreak limitations. Nonetheless, he condemned certain states’ steps to re-enforce election integrity requirements like voter ID (which was termed racist), and opposed Georgia’s voting law—which sparked considerable controversy through adverse comparison with Jim Crow laws.

In summary, despite riding into office on a wave of hope and promising vision for change, many argue that President Biden has exacerbated rather than ameliorated national challenges. Stressed by financial strains due to escalating prices for basic commodities like homes, gas and food; increasing global instability; and concerns about election security at home—Americans may justifiably question if today’s ‘restored’ reality matches what they were promised.

From their perspective: America’s soul may indeed need restoration but it looks like Biden’s policies are part of the problem rather than a sought-after solution from that Christian worldview, which upholds the values of truth, human dignity and societal well-being. And with it being paramount to deliver Real News, Trusted News to readers around the globe, this perspective must be explored further. Stay tuned for more breaking news on these important issues.

Original article posted by Fox News

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