“Prominent Pastor Phil Johnson Expresses Gratitude Amidst Incurable Cancer Diagnosis: A Testament of Undying Faith”

Published on June 16, 2024, 12:37 am

“Prominent Pastor Phil Johnson Expresses Gratitude Amidst Incurable Cancer Diagnosis: A Testament of Undying Faith”

Image source: Fox News

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Prominent ministry leader and pastor, Phil Johnson, has publicly expressed his gratitude for God’s providence after being diagnosed with incurable cancer. The respected executive director of the renowned Grace to You ministry first shared news of his health issues earlier this year.

In a recent update provided through various online platforms, Johnson gave thanks for seemingly chance circumstances that led to his diagnosis. His sudden kidney malfunction, described as ‘catastrophic’, proved ironically beneficial as it necessitated numerous blood tests and a bone marrow biopsy, ultimately revealing the presence of Multiple Myeloma. This type of blood cancer causes an abnormal protein in the blood to attack other organs.

Following consultations with expert medical practitioners, Johnson divulged his treatment plan consisting of a cocktail of drugs slated for administration alongside a bone marrow transplant. He acknowledged the stark reality that despite Multiple Myeloma being non-curable, the pharmacological intervention should induce remission long enough to extend his lifespan until another cause ends it.

Johnson sounded sanguine notes amid the serious revelations by remarking on God’s providence in facilitating an early diagnosis before the disease advanced to a stage where any treatment would prove futile. He closed out his message paraphrasing Psalm 31:15 – “My times are in His hands”.

Affiliated with California-based Grace Community Church under Pastor John MacArthur’s leadership, Grace to You positions itself as committed to disseminating Divine truths verse by verse. Such devotion is particularly evidenced through its Sermons App featuring insightful teaching from MacArthur and comprehensive Study Bible replete with extensive explanatory notes.

Apart from spearheading Grace to You efforts, Phil Johnson serves diligently as an elder at Grace Community Church while pastoring GraceLife — one of the mega church’s fellowship groups. Having served alongside Pastor MacArthur for over four decades within their Christian worldview perspective, he has also established several online entities inclusive of widely-read blog Pyromaniacs at large and edited most of MacArthur’s books.

In conclusion, real and trusted news sources reaffirm the resilience and faith of the ministry leader as he navigates this challenging diagnosis with the same dedication characterized in his lifelong service to ministry. His approach serves as a testament to his unwavering faith in Divine Providence: full of gratitude despite the stormy circumstances.

Original article posted by Fox News

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