“Prioritizing Faith Over Politics: The Call for Christians Amidst National Division”

Published on September 2, 2024, 12:47 am

“Prioritizing Faith Over Politics: The Call for Christians Amidst National Division”

Image source: Fox News

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Hailing from the firm belief engraved within a Christian worldview, it is said by Jesus himself, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Mark 12:17). This perception of splitting our loyalty dominates even presently in the Christian community. In this age of strong political affiliations, whether Republicans or Democrats, many Christians echo a worrying trend — they seem to struggle with rendering unto God what rightly belongs to Him.

Falling into the realm of priority for a Christian believer should be the Christian faith itself — standing superior to all other identifications such as American nationality or political affiliations. Throughout this volatile election year, it’s been observed that many have lost themselves attempting “to save our nation” through their chosen representatives. Respectable politics play an essential role given Jesus’ remark, but the reference here is not to gift Caesar what in fact belongs rightfully only to God.

As per Christian teaching, Christians are explicitly instructed not to worship any gods before Him (Exodus 20:3) and are called upon to express love for Him with absolute devotion (Matthew 22:37). Henceforth, every Christian’s utmost trust should remain in His supreme command over our land and not be pinned on any human abilities.

Reflecting upon recent affairs across our nation reveals a near-universal dissatisfaction with both Democratic and Republican bodies. Their performance has starkly highlighted once more that Jesus is ultimately our hope as a nation. No policy alteration nor appealing change will yield salvation – neither will women’s rights or freedom of love choice. Our salvation does not lie with either future Democratic or Republican leadership; only Jesus provides eternal life and is hope incarnate for national restoration towards unity and genuine salvation (John 14:6).

At a decisive point in Israel’s history during Jesus’ era when Peter attacked Malchus against Jesus’ will by cutting off his ear during Judas’s treachery, Jesus famously stated, “Those who live by the sword, die by the sword” (Matthew 26:52). This impactful and significant event is a reminder to all Christians that we are urged to be ‘more Christian than American.’ We belong spiritually to another city created by God (Hebrews 11:10), making it imperative for us to remember faith above our nationality. Our undying love for our nation wants the best for future generations but not at our faith’s expense.

Trusting in Him and His plan might seem complicated when it doesn’t align with ours, reinforcing why Isaiah declared that His ways are not ours and neither are His thoughts ours (Isaiah 55:8). In this divided nation, trust in God could serve as the unifying force.

With national division prevalent, now more than ever the emphasis is on humility before God, impelling everyone to reconsider God’s will. It is crucial at this time to fall upon our knees in prayer; rendering unto God what belongs to Him and leaving matters of politics – or as historical metaphor states – ‘Caesarian’ affairs – with Him.

White-knuckling political matters will only weigh on your conscious and spiritual health — thus the call goes out for open-hearted beliefs. On this guidance did Malchus follow Jesus after his resurrection. This turning point led Malchus onto not only becoming a believer but planting churches and leading many others towards salvation.

Trust in Him is beyond doubt beneficial; faith should push all believers into obedience towards Him. Even during these trying times, remember that He will bring goodness forth from every situation! Stay updated with real news imbued with a trusted sense of faith right here.

Original article posted by Fox News

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