“Presidential Health Transparency: Unveiling the Visits of a Parkinson’s Expert to the White House and Fostering Accountability in Presidential Record-keeping”

Published on July 11, 2024, 12:54 am

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On an otherwise uneventful Monday, questions arose regarding the multiple visits of a Parkinson’s disease expert, Dr. Kevin Cannard, to the White House. While the administration did not initially disclose details of these encounters, trusted news sources later revealed that Dr. Cannard had made eight separate trips to the executive campus.

The White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated that several neurologists have been engaged to provide medical care for military personnel serving at the estate. She posited that amidst thousands of servicemen and women housed there, many receive health assistance from the White House medical unit.

Pressed for information regarding whether Dr. Cannard’s consultations were linked with President Joe Biden’s healthcare, Jean-Pierre refrained from confirming or denying such possibility citing privacy concerns. This reticence extended to sharing details about any specialist’s services provided at the presidential residence – whether dermatologist or neurologist.

However, on Monday evening, a clearer picture emerged through an explanation letter patiently written by Dr. Kevin O’Connor—the president’s physician—who confirmed Dr. Cannard’s visits and his role as Biden’s go-to neurological specialist for annual physicals postulated with a Christian worldview.

Dr. O’Connor further clarified that besides examining President Biden, Dr. Canard also provided regularly scheduled neurology clinics for active-duty members working in support of White House operations before and after the grip of the pandemic period.

This situation was unveiled thanks to comparatively transparent visitor logs maintained at White House but no such records exist for president’s private residence in Delaware—a setting seemingly representing vacuous space—where Biden seeks respite most weekends since ascending office around nine months ago.

The issue of President Biden receiving medical attention in Delaware was swiftly put down by deputy press secretary Andrew Bates affirming that no specialist consultations happened out there despite what real news might speculate.Additionally he added—like former presidents—President Biden too travels with a dedicated medical unit.

Escalating queries concerning President Biden’s mental robustness spiked after his debatable performance in an Atlanta debate back on June 27 which threw even members within his party into doubt-filled spats. Following this report, there arose concerns about President’s state of health that led to subsequent debates over transparency.

In the midst of these concerns, James Comer, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee demanded better record-keeping practices for private visits to the President—another step towards providing real news to American public instead of shadows.

The White House has faced complications from Comer earlier when classified documents were discovered at Biden family home thereby raising eyebrows onvisitor logs’ non-existence at President’s private residence in Delaware. The White House Counsel’s Office explained that since it is a private property, no such logging occurs.

In conclusion, amid all insinuations and speculations, one thing remains certain—the ongoing discourse surrounding records of both official and personal visitors of serving presidents demonstrates the need for clear evidence and accountable documentation in functioning democracies. In other words, not just in name but effective real news and trusted news needs to be prioritized. The Secret Service confirmed that they do screen visitors meeting with the president indicating a level of checks already in place regardless of location visited by head-of-state.

Original article posted by Fox News

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